03-29-2025     3 رجب 1440

Anger is your Biggest Enemy

Anyone or pass can become angry, but the person who will control it is the most authentic person of all. — Aristotle
For every 60 minutes you remain angry, you have peace of mind for one minute. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Intolerance and anger happen to be the enemies of proper understanding. — Mahatma Gandhi
Anger resides in the minds of the fools. — Albert Einstein
To be angry is to let others' mistakes punish yourself." Buddha

October 26, 2022 | Mahfooz Bakshi

I will never feel a lack of enemies unless and until I learn to withdraw emotions, especially 'Anger'. I am not saying that when I get angry I become dangerous by which I will become popular with the tag of strong man, and then it will become a cause of jealousy that will rise among haters or anyone then they turn into enemies, no! Likewise, I have never and will never indulge in any activity that will harm others or me! Yes, there are some chapters in my history that oppose my statement, but I merely remember them as those chapters were written during my childhood. I can say that I have no companion, but I can't say that I lack enemies because I have found an enemy that would have created its dominance inside me! It's one of my emotions called 'Anger'. Anger is a person's biggest enemy. A person gets angry and tries to hurt the one who angered but at the same time that person hurts himself as well unintentionally then regrets it after time passes. Mind stops functioning when anger commences controlling a human body, which means a person can go to any extent. He/she can literally commit an unforgivable crime!

Anger is your emotions, so keep control on it rather than letting it control you. I know it's controversial to say that someone has to stop getting angry because it's the natural thing, but it's better to say that one has to change the way he/she reacts to it.
There are some of my favorite quotes that helped me, or I can say compelled me to learn to keep control on my emotions especially on anger, here I'm mentioning them;

? Anyone or pass can become angry, but the person who will control it is the most authentic person of all. — Aristotle
? For every 60 minutes you remain angry, you have peace of mind for one minute. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
? Intolerance and anger happen to be the enemies of proper understanding. — Mahatma Gandhi
? Anger resides in the minds of the fools. — Albert Einstein
? To be angry is to let others' mistakes punish yourself." Buddha

Anger is a hazardous thing that makes an individual catastrophic. Before, someone told me that when man is angry, he has some relation to the accursed Satan! But that doesn't mean that you must not get angry, and you must remain cool all the time. Because there are some situations, there are some things precious to you, especially your religion which you have to protect, and for its protection you have to fight. The Prophet PBUH used to get angry over something that pertains to religion, but was never seen angry over personal matters! However, it's condemned in Islam because it produces malevolence and envy.
Moreover, as we know that it's the age of technology and technology is prevailing everywhere, and mobile phones are the creation of technology created by us, human beings. There are many articles about the disadvantages and merits of mobile phones, so I don't have to discuss them here. But the reason for adding mobile phones into consideration here is because as far I have observed, mobile phones too are making the youth aggressive day by day! Yes, you read it right! Mobile phones are responsible as well for the youth who turn aggressive. A little research of mine proved my observation right. The research commenced in which my friends played a pivotal role but unintentionally. Some of my friends poses mobile phones while some don't, for a week I was trying my best to make them angry, but the results shocked me just because those who were addicted to smartphones, easily turn aggressive while Those who had no phones either became angry, but it was little difficult to do so as they were not turning aggressive easily. I investigated more about this and found out that those who are addicted to mobile phones, usually use mobile phones during night hours too which isn't letting them sleep, so they suffer lack of sleep. And the lack of sleep has many disadvantages, but no advantages. Sleep deprivation increases aggressive behavior. The conclusion of my little research and observation gave me the expected results, and now we can say that children do show aggression due to excessive use of smartphones. But this problem has a solution, (every problem has a solution) and the solution is to alleviate screen timing which indirectly increases the sleep timing and hence, anger will be alleviated but not ceased! It is not possible to stop being angry, but it's possible to calm our mind, withdraw from what's angering or disgusting us, avoid those who upset us. That's how we can reduce our anger. If you are reading this article until now, then you might be thinking that anger is a useless emotion, which has no need in human beings, but you are wrong because anger is good sometimes, anger is what you need occasionally. Anger is not only an enemy it can be your weapon against your enemies, and it can be a weapon of your enemies against you, it's all about how you deal and how you react to it. Anger can be used as motivation, it can be used as to move out of complacency too, but since anger is affiliated with Satan we shall avoid it and turn it into energy. However, As Allah describes the God-conscious, He says, “they swallow their anger.” Being among those people. And when we do get angry, the only reason we should get angry is for principles-for defending our faith. So, at least Muslims should abide by getting angry.
Avoid Blood shedding over small misunderstandings, saying abusive words to something or someone that angers you etc. as they are only going to harm you.
Let me Say: “O Allah, forgive our sins, remove the anger in our hearts, and protect us from the trials of misguidance.” Aamin.





Anger is your Biggest Enemy

Anyone or pass can become angry, but the person who will control it is the most authentic person of all. — Aristotle
For every 60 minutes you remain angry, you have peace of mind for one minute. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Intolerance and anger happen to be the enemies of proper understanding. — Mahatma Gandhi
Anger resides in the minds of the fools. — Albert Einstein
To be angry is to let others' mistakes punish yourself." Buddha

October 26, 2022 | Mahfooz Bakshi

I will never feel a lack of enemies unless and until I learn to withdraw emotions, especially 'Anger'. I am not saying that when I get angry I become dangerous by which I will become popular with the tag of strong man, and then it will become a cause of jealousy that will rise among haters or anyone then they turn into enemies, no! Likewise, I have never and will never indulge in any activity that will harm others or me! Yes, there are some chapters in my history that oppose my statement, but I merely remember them as those chapters were written during my childhood. I can say that I have no companion, but I can't say that I lack enemies because I have found an enemy that would have created its dominance inside me! It's one of my emotions called 'Anger'. Anger is a person's biggest enemy. A person gets angry and tries to hurt the one who angered but at the same time that person hurts himself as well unintentionally then regrets it after time passes. Mind stops functioning when anger commences controlling a human body, which means a person can go to any extent. He/she can literally commit an unforgivable crime!

Anger is your emotions, so keep control on it rather than letting it control you. I know it's controversial to say that someone has to stop getting angry because it's the natural thing, but it's better to say that one has to change the way he/she reacts to it.
There are some of my favorite quotes that helped me, or I can say compelled me to learn to keep control on my emotions especially on anger, here I'm mentioning them;

? Anyone or pass can become angry, but the person who will control it is the most authentic person of all. — Aristotle
? For every 60 minutes you remain angry, you have peace of mind for one minute. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
? Intolerance and anger happen to be the enemies of proper understanding. — Mahatma Gandhi
? Anger resides in the minds of the fools. — Albert Einstein
? To be angry is to let others' mistakes punish yourself." Buddha

Anger is a hazardous thing that makes an individual catastrophic. Before, someone told me that when man is angry, he has some relation to the accursed Satan! But that doesn't mean that you must not get angry, and you must remain cool all the time. Because there are some situations, there are some things precious to you, especially your religion which you have to protect, and for its protection you have to fight. The Prophet PBUH used to get angry over something that pertains to religion, but was never seen angry over personal matters! However, it's condemned in Islam because it produces malevolence and envy.
Moreover, as we know that it's the age of technology and technology is prevailing everywhere, and mobile phones are the creation of technology created by us, human beings. There are many articles about the disadvantages and merits of mobile phones, so I don't have to discuss them here. But the reason for adding mobile phones into consideration here is because as far I have observed, mobile phones too are making the youth aggressive day by day! Yes, you read it right! Mobile phones are responsible as well for the youth who turn aggressive. A little research of mine proved my observation right. The research commenced in which my friends played a pivotal role but unintentionally. Some of my friends poses mobile phones while some don't, for a week I was trying my best to make them angry, but the results shocked me just because those who were addicted to smartphones, easily turn aggressive while Those who had no phones either became angry, but it was little difficult to do so as they were not turning aggressive easily. I investigated more about this and found out that those who are addicted to mobile phones, usually use mobile phones during night hours too which isn't letting them sleep, so they suffer lack of sleep. And the lack of sleep has many disadvantages, but no advantages. Sleep deprivation increases aggressive behavior. The conclusion of my little research and observation gave me the expected results, and now we can say that children do show aggression due to excessive use of smartphones. But this problem has a solution, (every problem has a solution) and the solution is to alleviate screen timing which indirectly increases the sleep timing and hence, anger will be alleviated but not ceased! It is not possible to stop being angry, but it's possible to calm our mind, withdraw from what's angering or disgusting us, avoid those who upset us. That's how we can reduce our anger. If you are reading this article until now, then you might be thinking that anger is a useless emotion, which has no need in human beings, but you are wrong because anger is good sometimes, anger is what you need occasionally. Anger is not only an enemy it can be your weapon against your enemies, and it can be a weapon of your enemies against you, it's all about how you deal and how you react to it. Anger can be used as motivation, it can be used as to move out of complacency too, but since anger is affiliated with Satan we shall avoid it and turn it into energy. However, As Allah describes the God-conscious, He says, “they swallow their anger.” Being among those people. And when we do get angry, the only reason we should get angry is for principles-for defending our faith. So, at least Muslims should abide by getting angry.
Avoid Blood shedding over small misunderstandings, saying abusive words to something or someone that angers you etc. as they are only going to harm you.
Let me Say: “O Allah, forgive our sins, remove the anger in our hearts, and protect us from the trials of misguidance.” Aamin.

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