03-13-2025     3 رجب 1440

How Art and Literature Preserve the Essence of Karbala

The impact of Islamic literature, dating back to the era of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), is immeasurable in preserving the events of Karbala.

July 30, 2023 | Samiya Bint Nazir

Muharram marks the beginning of the new year in the Islamic calendar, and it holds immense religious significance for the Muslims in general and the Shia Muslims in particular, who mourn the sacrifice and sufferings of Imam Hussain ibn Ali(AS) during this month. Imam Hussain(a.s), the beloved grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was brutally martyred in the battle of Karbala alongside his sons, brothers, and other devoted companions. The first ten days of Muharram are particularly poignant as the remembrance of Imam Hussain(AS) and the tragic events at Karbala intensify, culminating in the solemn observance of Ashura, known as one of the saddest days in the Islamic calendar till date. Literally, this day has the mark of Imam Hussain’s great sacrifice who valiantly offered his blessed life along with his companions in the way of God to blow up the foundations of the falsehood personified in the name of Yazid, the Ummiyad tyrant.

Message and Art

The tale of Karbala and its profound impact have been transmitted through various artistic and literary mediums for over 1400 years. It began with oral traditions from the survivors of Imam Hussain(AS)’s camp, passing down the emotional accounts of the heroic struggle against injustice. Written traditions in the form of poignant poetry, such as Marsiyas and Nohas, played a pivotal role in spreading the message to the Muslims worldwide and to the far cornersof the world, evoking powerful emotions and underscoring the enduring message that “victory always favors the truth, and falsehood will ultimately be diminished and destroyed, no matter the strength of the enemies of truth.
The spirit of religious art intertwines with the martyrdom of Imam Hussain(AS) as it beautifully captures the essence of the tragedy. Marsiya Khawani, an exclusive poetic genre, serves as a poignant form of religious art that dedicates verses to highlighting the suffering and injustice faced by Imam Hussain(a.s) at Karbala. Renowned poets like Mir Anees in the Urdu, Mohattashim Kashani in the Persian world crafted elegies that continue to be recited with great enthusiasm in Imambargahs, in religious congregations and processions, keeping the memory of Karbala alive through artful words. In Kashmir, these Marsiyas have infact remained the only channels to propagate the very religious beliefs in the past centuries. Different Marsiyas Nigars have crafted the masterpiece in this genre that still retain their core positions in the far and wide corners in Kashmir.
Similarly, Nohas, another art form in the form of elegiac poetry, are written and recited annually during Muharram to commemorate Ashura. Each line of these heartfelt verses is devoted to honoring Imam Hussain(a.s) and his valiant companions, shedding light on their pain, bravery, and unwavering determination in confronting Yazid and his oppressive army. With the advent of modern technology and social media platforms, the dissemination of these artistic expressions has amplified, reaching people across the globe and deepening their love and understanding of Imam Hussain(a.s) and his sacred mission.
Beyond poetry, art forms like painting, illustrations, and calligraphy have been instrumental in preserving and conveying the essence of Karbala’s tragedy to people worldwide. These mediums allow artists to depict the pain and suffering that Yazid attempted to erase, immortalizing the noble sacrifice of Imam Hussain(a.s) and his devoted companions. The intricate Arabic script of calligraphy, with its diverse versions in languages like Persian and Urdu, has been used to elegantly write Imam Hussain’s name, exuding divine grace and evoking reverence in the hearts of believers.
The impact of Islamic literature, dating back to the era of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), is immeasurable in preserving the events of Karbala. Narrators and writers were steadfast in safeguarding the historical truths, even in the face of oppressive rulers like Yazid. Within this literature, the Shia Muslim community has diligently preserved the accounts of Karbala through various literary forms, such as books, pamphlets, banners, and flyers, ensuring that the message of Imam Hussain(a.s) resonates with diverse audiences.
In the modern era, the advent of information technologies like the internet and social media has revolutionized the dissemination of Imam Hussain’s message, making it more accessible and faster than ever before. Through these tools, people passionately share their love and devotion to Imam Hussain(a.s), transcending sects and uniting in their appreciation of his sacrifice. The digital landscape has bridged the gaps in understanding, allowing anyone to access authentic narratives and embrace the truth while exposing falsehood.
In conclusion, the tragic events leading to the battle of Karbala and the noble sacrifices of Imam Hussain(a.s) and his devoted companions have been preserved and spread through a myriad of artistic and literary mediums over the centuries. From poetry and calligraphy to the power of literature and the influence of modern technology, the religious art surrounding the events of Karbala continues to resonate and inspire people around the world, forging a timeless connection between believers and the legacy of Imam Hussain(AS)
Mujh ko tareekh ke awraaq batatey hain Hussain(a.s)
Mit gaye tere garaney ko mitaney waley.





How Art and Literature Preserve the Essence of Karbala

The impact of Islamic literature, dating back to the era of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), is immeasurable in preserving the events of Karbala.

July 30, 2023 | Samiya Bint Nazir

Muharram marks the beginning of the new year in the Islamic calendar, and it holds immense religious significance for the Muslims in general and the Shia Muslims in particular, who mourn the sacrifice and sufferings of Imam Hussain ibn Ali(AS) during this month. Imam Hussain(a.s), the beloved grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was brutally martyred in the battle of Karbala alongside his sons, brothers, and other devoted companions. The first ten days of Muharram are particularly poignant as the remembrance of Imam Hussain(AS) and the tragic events at Karbala intensify, culminating in the solemn observance of Ashura, known as one of the saddest days in the Islamic calendar till date. Literally, this day has the mark of Imam Hussain’s great sacrifice who valiantly offered his blessed life along with his companions in the way of God to blow up the foundations of the falsehood personified in the name of Yazid, the Ummiyad tyrant.

Message and Art

The tale of Karbala and its profound impact have been transmitted through various artistic and literary mediums for over 1400 years. It began with oral traditions from the survivors of Imam Hussain(AS)’s camp, passing down the emotional accounts of the heroic struggle against injustice. Written traditions in the form of poignant poetry, such as Marsiyas and Nohas, played a pivotal role in spreading the message to the Muslims worldwide and to the far cornersof the world, evoking powerful emotions and underscoring the enduring message that “victory always favors the truth, and falsehood will ultimately be diminished and destroyed, no matter the strength of the enemies of truth.
The spirit of religious art intertwines with the martyrdom of Imam Hussain(AS) as it beautifully captures the essence of the tragedy. Marsiya Khawani, an exclusive poetic genre, serves as a poignant form of religious art that dedicates verses to highlighting the suffering and injustice faced by Imam Hussain(a.s) at Karbala. Renowned poets like Mir Anees in the Urdu, Mohattashim Kashani in the Persian world crafted elegies that continue to be recited with great enthusiasm in Imambargahs, in religious congregations and processions, keeping the memory of Karbala alive through artful words. In Kashmir, these Marsiyas have infact remained the only channels to propagate the very religious beliefs in the past centuries. Different Marsiyas Nigars have crafted the masterpiece in this genre that still retain their core positions in the far and wide corners in Kashmir.
Similarly, Nohas, another art form in the form of elegiac poetry, are written and recited annually during Muharram to commemorate Ashura. Each line of these heartfelt verses is devoted to honoring Imam Hussain(a.s) and his valiant companions, shedding light on their pain, bravery, and unwavering determination in confronting Yazid and his oppressive army. With the advent of modern technology and social media platforms, the dissemination of these artistic expressions has amplified, reaching people across the globe and deepening their love and understanding of Imam Hussain(a.s) and his sacred mission.
Beyond poetry, art forms like painting, illustrations, and calligraphy have been instrumental in preserving and conveying the essence of Karbala’s tragedy to people worldwide. These mediums allow artists to depict the pain and suffering that Yazid attempted to erase, immortalizing the noble sacrifice of Imam Hussain(a.s) and his devoted companions. The intricate Arabic script of calligraphy, with its diverse versions in languages like Persian and Urdu, has been used to elegantly write Imam Hussain’s name, exuding divine grace and evoking reverence in the hearts of believers.
The impact of Islamic literature, dating back to the era of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), is immeasurable in preserving the events of Karbala. Narrators and writers were steadfast in safeguarding the historical truths, even in the face of oppressive rulers like Yazid. Within this literature, the Shia Muslim community has diligently preserved the accounts of Karbala through various literary forms, such as books, pamphlets, banners, and flyers, ensuring that the message of Imam Hussain(a.s) resonates with diverse audiences.
In the modern era, the advent of information technologies like the internet and social media has revolutionized the dissemination of Imam Hussain’s message, making it more accessible and faster than ever before. Through these tools, people passionately share their love and devotion to Imam Hussain(a.s), transcending sects and uniting in their appreciation of his sacrifice. The digital landscape has bridged the gaps in understanding, allowing anyone to access authentic narratives and embrace the truth while exposing falsehood.
In conclusion, the tragic events leading to the battle of Karbala and the noble sacrifices of Imam Hussain(a.s) and his devoted companions have been preserved and spread through a myriad of artistic and literary mediums over the centuries. From poetry and calligraphy to the power of literature and the influence of modern technology, the religious art surrounding the events of Karbala continues to resonate and inspire people around the world, forging a timeless connection between believers and the legacy of Imam Hussain(AS)
Mujh ko tareekh ke awraaq batatey hain Hussain(a.s)
Mit gaye tere garaney ko mitaney waley.

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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
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