07-27-2024     3 رجب 1440

Implementation of Things is Different than Speaking

Mahatama Gandhi is probably the most noteworthy . This man did a huge contribution for achieving independence against British people through his actions

March 19, 2023 | Er Aijaz Ahmad

People can speak what you can do , they cannot speak the empty talks .

This proverb reminds us of the importance of implementation of things over speaking. ‘action speaking louder than words ‘ is a deep hidden meaning inside to say something and to do. something are two different things of many modes of communication. we know that the words have strongest impact on people. Actually, it is the action of a person that determines his / her character actions carry considerably more weight than the speaking. even the hours action reflects the manure and the nature of an individual. Actions have a very importance when focusing on our future goal.
In life , only success achieved by those persons , which are implanting things in a daily routine . Every one speaks , I can do tomorrow this work . But when the time comes of implementation, very less people implements the things , rest people only speaks . Carl Gaastavjung says , you are what you do , not what you say you will do . speaking is the easiest thing , performing it is very difficult . So frequently we make promises to others , but do not necessarily act on them . what most people do , is merely speak and say big words , making even big promises. But the true worth of a person is judged by his / her actions .
It is well known fact the action carrying a more meaning than a person saying . Actions requires effort , what you want do in your life . Actions are essential when it comes to parenting . Small kids quickly learn from their parents , what they are doing in a daily routine . many parents warn their kids , if they are doing wrong doing . after they can not come back from wrong doings . They are punished them . Some parents refuse to punish kids after they do wrong doings . Due to this , kids do not value the warnings and threats of their parents . . some parents make promises of a gift but later on , let go of the idea .in this case, too, kids will not take words of parents seriously . Mahatama Gandhi is probably the most noteworthy . This man did a huge contribution for achieving independence against British people through his actions . His actions like , non cooperation movement , civil disobedience , supporting farmers , quit india movement , Gandhiji was not one of those , who only give inspirational speeches . But he was a man who stood by what he said . in conclusion , ‘ action speaks louder than words ‘ is a valuable life lesson . furthermore, when an individual uses words , it is much easier to lie . However, an action is much easier to lie . What you do is more important than what you say, because the things you do show your intentions and feelings . this can be concluded with this quote, there is lot of difference between saying and doing . saying is easy, but implementing things is very difficult .


Email:----------------ratheraijaz740@gmail. com





Implementation of Things is Different than Speaking

Mahatama Gandhi is probably the most noteworthy . This man did a huge contribution for achieving independence against British people through his actions

March 19, 2023 | Er Aijaz Ahmad

People can speak what you can do , they cannot speak the empty talks .

This proverb reminds us of the importance of implementation of things over speaking. ‘action speaking louder than words ‘ is a deep hidden meaning inside to say something and to do. something are two different things of many modes of communication. we know that the words have strongest impact on people. Actually, it is the action of a person that determines his / her character actions carry considerably more weight than the speaking. even the hours action reflects the manure and the nature of an individual. Actions have a very importance when focusing on our future goal.
In life , only success achieved by those persons , which are implanting things in a daily routine . Every one speaks , I can do tomorrow this work . But when the time comes of implementation, very less people implements the things , rest people only speaks . Carl Gaastavjung says , you are what you do , not what you say you will do . speaking is the easiest thing , performing it is very difficult . So frequently we make promises to others , but do not necessarily act on them . what most people do , is merely speak and say big words , making even big promises. But the true worth of a person is judged by his / her actions .
It is well known fact the action carrying a more meaning than a person saying . Actions requires effort , what you want do in your life . Actions are essential when it comes to parenting . Small kids quickly learn from their parents , what they are doing in a daily routine . many parents warn their kids , if they are doing wrong doing . after they can not come back from wrong doings . They are punished them . Some parents refuse to punish kids after they do wrong doings . Due to this , kids do not value the warnings and threats of their parents . . some parents make promises of a gift but later on , let go of the idea .in this case, too, kids will not take words of parents seriously . Mahatama Gandhi is probably the most noteworthy . This man did a huge contribution for achieving independence against British people through his actions . His actions like , non cooperation movement , civil disobedience , supporting farmers , quit india movement , Gandhiji was not one of those , who only give inspirational speeches . But he was a man who stood by what he said . in conclusion , ‘ action speaks louder than words ‘ is a valuable life lesson . furthermore, when an individual uses words , it is much easier to lie . However, an action is much easier to lie . What you do is more important than what you say, because the things you do show your intentions and feelings . this can be concluded with this quote, there is lot of difference between saying and doing . saying is easy, but implementing things is very difficult .


Email:----------------ratheraijaz740@gmail. com

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