Teachers working in private schools are an important part of our society who play a significant role in the development of education. However, their life and employment issues are often overlooked. These teachers, who are mostly well-educated and unemployed youth, face many difficulties despite their hard work and talent.
Low salary
The biggest problem of teachers working in private schools is their low salary. Such teachers, who have higher qualifications like post-graduation and B.Ed, are paid only Rs 8,000 to 10,000 per month. This amount is not only insufficient for their daily expenses but it is also a violation of the minimum wage law. Teachers, who are the builders of the nation, are forced to spend prime years of their lives on such low wages. The question arises, who is responsible for this situation? Government, school administration, or our social system?
If the government formulates an effective policy for private schools and ensures its implementation, teachers can get their rights. Moreover, teachers are often not paid on time. There are some schools where teachers are not paid for four to five months, adding to their financial woes.
Work load
Work load on teachers is also a major problem. Not only teaching responsibilities but also non-teaching tasks such as administration, collection of fees, and non-essential dealings with parents are entrusted to them. The NEP 2020 clearly states that teachers should not be involved in non-teaching tasks so that they can focus on their teaching responsibilities. But the reality is the opposite.
No guarantee of employment
There is no job security for teachers in private schools. The school management can fire them at any time without any proper reason. This poses a constant threat to their employment and future. Furthermore, teachers often face disrespectful treatment. If any teacher does not arrive on time or any mistake If he does, his salary is cut or his self-respect is undermined.
Social issues
Unprofessional treatment of teachers and violation of their dignity is also a major problem. Private school owners often force teachers to follow their rules, but teachers are not given the right to enter into an agreement or contract for their rights. This attitude demoralizes teachers and negatively affects their performance.
A Possible Solution
It is very important to solve these problems. Government and concerned institutions should
Increase in salaries: A minimum standard should be fixed for the salaries of private school teachers.
Timely Payment
Timely payment of salary to teachers should be ensured.
Reduction of Workload
Teachers should be exempted from non-teaching duties so that they can focus on their teaching responsibilities.
Guarantee of Employment
Clear rules should be made to guarantee the employment of teachers in private schools.
Respect and Dignity
The school administration should be bound to adopt a professional and respectful attitude towards the teachers.
These issues are a concern for these builders of the nation. Solving them is the joint responsibility of the society and the government. Only then can we build a strong education system and a prosperous society.
Teachers working in private schools are an important part of our society who play a significant role in the development of education. However, their life and employment issues are often overlooked. These teachers, who are mostly well-educated and unemployed youth, face many difficulties despite their hard work and talent.
Low salary
The biggest problem of teachers working in private schools is their low salary. Such teachers, who have higher qualifications like post-graduation and B.Ed, are paid only Rs 8,000 to 10,000 per month. This amount is not only insufficient for their daily expenses but it is also a violation of the minimum wage law. Teachers, who are the builders of the nation, are forced to spend prime years of their lives on such low wages. The question arises, who is responsible for this situation? Government, school administration, or our social system?
If the government formulates an effective policy for private schools and ensures its implementation, teachers can get their rights. Moreover, teachers are often not paid on time. There are some schools where teachers are not paid for four to five months, adding to their financial woes.
Work load
Work load on teachers is also a major problem. Not only teaching responsibilities but also non-teaching tasks such as administration, collection of fees, and non-essential dealings with parents are entrusted to them. The NEP 2020 clearly states that teachers should not be involved in non-teaching tasks so that they can focus on their teaching responsibilities. But the reality is the opposite.
No guarantee of employment
There is no job security for teachers in private schools. The school management can fire them at any time without any proper reason. This poses a constant threat to their employment and future. Furthermore, teachers often face disrespectful treatment. If any teacher does not arrive on time or any mistake If he does, his salary is cut or his self-respect is undermined.
Social issues
Unprofessional treatment of teachers and violation of their dignity is also a major problem. Private school owners often force teachers to follow their rules, but teachers are not given the right to enter into an agreement or contract for their rights. This attitude demoralizes teachers and negatively affects their performance.
A Possible Solution
It is very important to solve these problems. Government and concerned institutions should
Increase in salaries: A minimum standard should be fixed for the salaries of private school teachers.
Timely Payment
Timely payment of salary to teachers should be ensured.
Reduction of Workload
Teachers should be exempted from non-teaching duties so that they can focus on their teaching responsibilities.
Guarantee of Employment
Clear rules should be made to guarantee the employment of teachers in private schools.
Respect and Dignity
The school administration should be bound to adopt a professional and respectful attitude towards the teachers.
These issues are a concern for these builders of the nation. Solving them is the joint responsibility of the society and the government. Only then can we build a strong education system and a prosperous society.
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