07-27-2024     3 رجب 1440

Narco-terrorism: SIA raids multiple places in Kashmir

“Proceeds from cross-LoC trade used for terror activities”

September 25, 2022 | BK News Service

The elite State Investigation Agency (SIA) has carried out simultaneous raids at multiple locations in Kashmir’s central and north Kashmir on Saturday.
According to officials, raids were carried out in Srinagar, Budgam and Kupwara on Saturday morning over alleged cases of narco financing of terror activities in the Kashmir Valley.
In Srinagar, a hotel was raided by the elite agency in which one government employee, a resident of Kishtwar, was putting up. The agency carried out raids at the home of Bashir Ahmad Dar, a resident of Batpora, Kachwari in Budgam while another raid is underway in Kupwara.
According to sources, some proceeds raised through cross border drug trade were being milked into terrorism for carrying out terror activities inside Jammu and Kashmir. Some arrests have been made in the past and some more are likely to follow, sources said.
“Some people who were found involved in the nexus of narcotic terror financing have been arrested under relevant sections of law and investigation is proceeding to establish the involvement of some more people in the nexus who are already under the scanner.”
“SIA has found a number of evidence with regard to smuggling of narcotics from across the border and generating the funds from the same for financing the terror modules, separatists, overground workers of terror outfits, and families of killed terrorists,” the officials said.
Many central investigation agencies are probing the narco terror cases and have established evidence that a cut of money leveraged through selling drugs, goes into buying weapons and financing terror activities.
Since its formation, the SIA has been probing a number of cases relating to smuggling of narcotics from across the border and generating funds for subversion.
Earlier this month, the SIA conducted raids at multiple locations in four districts of Kashmir valley in a militancy network case filed under various sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and IPC this year.
The agency, which was formed to investigate ‘terror-related cases’ in the union territory, raided many places across three districts of south Kashmir and Baramulla district in north Kashmir.
“Continuing to rein in the networks of terror outfits, SIA today conducted searches at multiple locations spread across the valley,” the agency said in a statement.





Narco-terrorism: SIA raids multiple places in Kashmir

“Proceeds from cross-LoC trade used for terror activities”

September 25, 2022 | BK News Service

The elite State Investigation Agency (SIA) has carried out simultaneous raids at multiple locations in Kashmir’s central and north Kashmir on Saturday.
According to officials, raids were carried out in Srinagar, Budgam and Kupwara on Saturday morning over alleged cases of narco financing of terror activities in the Kashmir Valley.
In Srinagar, a hotel was raided by the elite agency in which one government employee, a resident of Kishtwar, was putting up. The agency carried out raids at the home of Bashir Ahmad Dar, a resident of Batpora, Kachwari in Budgam while another raid is underway in Kupwara.
According to sources, some proceeds raised through cross border drug trade were being milked into terrorism for carrying out terror activities inside Jammu and Kashmir. Some arrests have been made in the past and some more are likely to follow, sources said.
“Some people who were found involved in the nexus of narcotic terror financing have been arrested under relevant sections of law and investigation is proceeding to establish the involvement of some more people in the nexus who are already under the scanner.”
“SIA has found a number of evidence with regard to smuggling of narcotics from across the border and generating the funds from the same for financing the terror modules, separatists, overground workers of terror outfits, and families of killed terrorists,” the officials said.
Many central investigation agencies are probing the narco terror cases and have established evidence that a cut of money leveraged through selling drugs, goes into buying weapons and financing terror activities.
Since its formation, the SIA has been probing a number of cases relating to smuggling of narcotics from across the border and generating funds for subversion.
Earlier this month, the SIA conducted raids at multiple locations in four districts of Kashmir valley in a militancy network case filed under various sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and IPC this year.
The agency, which was formed to investigate ‘terror-related cases’ in the union territory, raided many places across three districts of south Kashmir and Baramulla district in north Kashmir.
“Continuing to rein in the networks of terror outfits, SIA today conducted searches at multiple locations spread across the valley,” the agency said in a statement.

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