In a heartwarming initiative aimed at uplifting the lives of orphaned sisters in the region, the Smile Foundation NGO is proud to announce a mass marriage ceremony for 50 orphan sisters, scheduled to take place on Sunday, January 5, 2025, in Srinagar. This noble event seeks to provide these deserving individuals with the joy and dignity of marriage, while promoting community support and solidarity.
The ceremony will not only celebrate the new beginnings of these sisters but also highlight the importance of giving back to those in need. In addition to the mass marriage, the Smile Foundation will also be providing winter clothes assistance to those in need in Baramulla district in the coming days, ensuring that warmth and comfort reach every corner of the community during the harsh winter months.
“We believe that every individual deserves to experience love and companionship, regardless of their circumstances,” said a representative from the Smile Foundation. “This mass marriage ceremony is a celebration of hope, unity, and a brighter future for our orphan sisters.”
The Smile Foundation invites everyone to join in this momentous occasion and extend support to the event, which promises to be a day filled with joy, celebration, and compassion.
In a heartwarming initiative aimed at uplifting the lives of orphaned sisters in the region, the Smile Foundation NGO is proud to announce a mass marriage ceremony for 50 orphan sisters, scheduled to take place on Sunday, January 5, 2025, in Srinagar. This noble event seeks to provide these deserving individuals with the joy and dignity of marriage, while promoting community support and solidarity.
The ceremony will not only celebrate the new beginnings of these sisters but also highlight the importance of giving back to those in need. In addition to the mass marriage, the Smile Foundation will also be providing winter clothes assistance to those in need in Baramulla district in the coming days, ensuring that warmth and comfort reach every corner of the community during the harsh winter months.
“We believe that every individual deserves to experience love and companionship, regardless of their circumstances,” said a representative from the Smile Foundation. “This mass marriage ceremony is a celebration of hope, unity, and a brighter future for our orphan sisters.”
The Smile Foundation invites everyone to join in this momentous occasion and extend support to the event, which promises to be a day filled with joy, celebration, and compassion.
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