07-27-2024     3 رجب 1440

Valley's Heart patients must have treatment in their native place

November 24, 2022 | Dr.Zubair Rashid

Global economic crisis have worsened and this has impact on-all sectors.Be it small to large scale businesses , industries, farmers and growers, shopkeepers and vendors as well as the cost of living pose a significant impact. This has a double impact on developing countries as ours.

Healthcare has received a major hit throwing elective healthcare acquisition ,last in the minds of people who would have sought it otherwise.. Especially in Kashmir.
Whenever we see a heart patient, the only thing he is thinking twice, is finances, if he needs a surgical heart treatment .
We have been treating heart patients over a year now and that too under various health schemes and medclaim policies and with a minimum possible finances, but still , lower and middle class families can't afford to pay.
On the other hand social tyrants or so called agents which are misleading and channeling the patients outside the valley for tremendous high cost treatments to get their own benefit out of it .while same treatment would cost jus one third here in the valley with great expertise and same results.
Similar is the case with heart patients who fly outside for treatment, spending a lot of money when same could have saved their financial resources by 2/3rd.
A simple open heart surgical procedure costs 2-3 times , outside than in the valley ,with same results.
As our social responsibility for the people of the valley we are offering cardiac procedures at a better and affordable cost than anywhere else in the country, only to alleviate people's suffering due to global economic crisis going on right now, which knocked the door jus the Pandemic was over.
In last 6 months we did 50 open surgical heart procedures both adult and peadiatric , even in these circumstances.
This implicates the amount of burden of heart diseases in the valley which require procedural intervention in the form of surgery. Besides , congenital Heart defect is the most common heart condition with incidence of 1 diagnosed every day in India.
To promote awareness regarding alarming heart diseases globally and introduce a screening programs right from the childbirth , requires a combined effort of those who work as frontliners. A holistic approach from pediatric and adult cardiologists, general physicians, and sincerity of those who advise and council patients to guide them in a proper way is our moral responsibility towards our people.
My team , including 3 most expert cardiac surgeons ,trained in best centres in India,5 Senior Adult and Pediatric cardiologists and a dedicated group of allied staff along with our state of art and highly equipped cardiac Centre in Noor Hospital urge all those people who suffer from heart diseases and their decision makers , to come and sought treatment of their all heart diseases and that too with minimum possible finances and donot opt to go outside when you have the same healthcare facilities in your own place.





Valley's Heart patients must have treatment in their native place

November 24, 2022 | Dr.Zubair Rashid

Global economic crisis have worsened and this has impact on-all sectors.Be it small to large scale businesses , industries, farmers and growers, shopkeepers and vendors as well as the cost of living pose a significant impact. This has a double impact on developing countries as ours.

Healthcare has received a major hit throwing elective healthcare acquisition ,last in the minds of people who would have sought it otherwise.. Especially in Kashmir.
Whenever we see a heart patient, the only thing he is thinking twice, is finances, if he needs a surgical heart treatment .
We have been treating heart patients over a year now and that too under various health schemes and medclaim policies and with a minimum possible finances, but still , lower and middle class families can't afford to pay.
On the other hand social tyrants or so called agents which are misleading and channeling the patients outside the valley for tremendous high cost treatments to get their own benefit out of it .while same treatment would cost jus one third here in the valley with great expertise and same results.
Similar is the case with heart patients who fly outside for treatment, spending a lot of money when same could have saved their financial resources by 2/3rd.
A simple open heart surgical procedure costs 2-3 times , outside than in the valley ,with same results.
As our social responsibility for the people of the valley we are offering cardiac procedures at a better and affordable cost than anywhere else in the country, only to alleviate people's suffering due to global economic crisis going on right now, which knocked the door jus the Pandemic was over.
In last 6 months we did 50 open surgical heart procedures both adult and peadiatric , even in these circumstances.
This implicates the amount of burden of heart diseases in the valley which require procedural intervention in the form of surgery. Besides , congenital Heart defect is the most common heart condition with incidence of 1 diagnosed every day in India.
To promote awareness regarding alarming heart diseases globally and introduce a screening programs right from the childbirth , requires a combined effort of those who work as frontliners. A holistic approach from pediatric and adult cardiologists, general physicians, and sincerity of those who advise and council patients to guide them in a proper way is our moral responsibility towards our people.
My team , including 3 most expert cardiac surgeons ,trained in best centres in India,5 Senior Adult and Pediatric cardiologists and a dedicated group of allied staff along with our state of art and highly equipped cardiac Centre in Noor Hospital urge all those people who suffer from heart diseases and their decision makers , to come and sought treatment of their all heart diseases and that too with minimum possible finances and donot opt to go outside when you have the same healthcare facilities in your own place.

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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
Legal Advisor: M.J. Hubi
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Published from: Gulshanabad Chraresharief Budgam
RNI No.: JKENG/2010/33802
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Postal Regd No: SK/135/2010-2019
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