03-10-2025     3 رجب 1440

NIT Sgr to organize 7th Edition of Int’l Conference on Nanotechnology

November 02, 2020 | BK News Service

The 7th edition of biennial International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living (NBL-21) is being organized by National Institute of Technology Srinagar under the aegis of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) in association with Anna University, SKUAST-K, NIT Mizoram, SSM College of Engineering, IIT Madras, Higher Education and many more institutions within and abroad from 07-11 April, 2021, which marks the birth anniversary of a famous microbiologist Prof. James Watson- all rolled in one.

The scientific event is expected to provide a vibrant platform to present and discuss path breaking research ideas in nanotechnologies and shall be an interface between academia and industries. The scientific event being organized during the worst pandemic, which is our common sorrow and common pain, will mostly focus on “Nano-Coatings and Nano-sprays for infectious and inflammatory diseases”, shall be a fabulous fusion of biological, chemical, physical, natural, agricultural and engineering sciences.
The partner states (J&K and Tamil Nadu) shall take many more initiatives in science and technology for the benefit of students.





NIT Sgr to organize 7th Edition of Int’l Conference on Nanotechnology

November 02, 2020 | BK News Service

The 7th edition of biennial International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living (NBL-21) is being organized by National Institute of Technology Srinagar under the aegis of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) in association with Anna University, SKUAST-K, NIT Mizoram, SSM College of Engineering, IIT Madras, Higher Education and many more institutions within and abroad from 07-11 April, 2021, which marks the birth anniversary of a famous microbiologist Prof. James Watson- all rolled in one.

The scientific event is expected to provide a vibrant platform to present and discuss path breaking research ideas in nanotechnologies and shall be an interface between academia and industries. The scientific event being organized during the worst pandemic, which is our common sorrow and common pain, will mostly focus on “Nano-Coatings and Nano-sprays for infectious and inflammatory diseases”, shall be a fabulous fusion of biological, chemical, physical, natural, agricultural and engineering sciences.
The partner states (J&K and Tamil Nadu) shall take many more initiatives in science and technology for the benefit of students.

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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
Legal Advisor: M.J. Hubi
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Published from: Gulshanabad Chraresharief Budgam
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Postal Regd No: SK/135/2010-2019
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