03-07-2025     3 رجب 1440

"Oil Spills: The Murderer

February 08, 2021 | Umar Bashir

"Two things are unlimited - One is the Universe, and the other is man's foolishness. We can only hope that the latter doesn't lead him to go on blindly polluting his environment until he falls victim to his own folly""

by Abert Einstein

The presence of products or blessings are for wisdom and agreeable & doesn't become benisons until there use is hogwash executed by man to excavate palaver things that never molds so, but it inversely fatuities him and shrinks his own green zone of dwelling. The Mad Rat Race on the name of development among nations over the global development jeopardised the Health and life of man including other creatures too. Perjury progress on the name of development by inflicting petroleum , oil and there products either through breakdown of Derricks , leakage of oil rangers , accidental spillage , cleaning of merchants , cautiously dumping oils and war ships in the water are ways to murder the living organisms in their own habitat and environment . Introduction of oil and its products murder the unique character of Water, which then proportionally endangers the aquatic life and coastal flora and fauna. Huge petroleum and plastic products precipitate at the bottom or are adsorbed on rock , stone and sand banks inhibit the life of the hydrobionts. It has been analyzed , single drop of oil or petroleum spreads over a Great area to isolate the water from atmospheric oxygen contact , restricts oxygen Which Hurts aquatic life. The regular introduction of oil films over water inhibit photosynthesis and the formation of oxygen, restricts the growth of plankton , which is the Basal stage of the aquatic life trophic chains. These films shield the solar Radiation of sun towards bottom of water body which becomes a Reason for restricted growth of planktons. Most organisms inhabitation at the surface layers & obtain the mineral and organic substances required for their vital processes , but the surface of water is contaminated by the film of oil , which interferes with normal process of food gaining in creatures and development of many hydrobionts. As Oils and there products are immiscible and high viscous than water , so when these products are splattered on the surface of water , while taking food from water bodies these oils soak into the air voids of birds and let them grounded gradually they lost their life.
The history of the oil spills is not new to this world but post decades are revealing stories with disasters nature trends. These are perhaps the most widely covered environmental incidents in the national and international Media. These spills on Ocean water causes alarming threats to biodiversity and ecosystem. The world is alarm up with the disaster of an oil spill on 18 march 1967 when a Liberian tanker , Terry Canyon ran down on the southwest coast of Great Britain , near the entrance of the English channel , spilling 60,000 tons of crude oil into the sea. Oil splattered onto 160 km of coastline killing huge number of fish and birds. After the gap of just 2-3 years in 1969 the second major oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara in USA discharging oil at the rate of 1000 gallons per hour. These oils not only murder the birds but also benthic population as well , which indirectly disturbs the aquatic ecosystem & then other communities Especially near the water communities and Ultimately voids in ecosystem services as noxious for dwelling. These accidents are happening in every country of the world in the sense of Either to excavate more profit or to dump or to mitigate pollution . India is not bereft of such disasters , in 1973 ,3000 tons of oil was splattered onto the Gujrat coast , when an oil tanker , Cosmos pioneer ran aground and in June 1989 , a Maltase tanker , MT puppy collided with a British vessel , spilling over 5500 tons of furnace oil into the open seas of Mumbai.
A recent estimate undicates that about 3 million tonnes of oil are added annually to the sea by using sea water as ballast for empty tankers. It is mixed when the Ballast gets Dumped and carries residual oil from tanker. It can coat 20 feet wide and half an inch deep oil layer of 8700 miles in a beach. The dumping of bilge contents by ships adds nearly 500000 tons of oil per year , while total influx of oil into ocean has been 5-10 million tons annually. New Recent oil based technology and vessel accidents near sea shore add to extensive marine oil pollution. It is estimated that two million tons of used lubricating oil are added every year in coastal waters. Accidents due to collision , fire , explosion also result in oil release . International discharge of oily wastes from tank washings and accidental spillages pollute sea water severely. From Indra Dock basin alone ,more than 90,000 liters of waste oil collected in 1984. A recent report shows that about 20 billion tons of wastes per year from industries , homes , farms & municipalities end up in sea. These oil spills don't remain silent but murdered extensive floating plantation, marine life serverly. Recently the heaps of dead fishes were washed ashore between Dabolin and Velcano Coast in Goa. Soluble aromatics present in oil acutely affect the aquatic organisms by disrupting their biological , physiological and behavioural activities. Adult aquatic life can't survive of soluble aromatics in oil and is lethal dose at the larva stage of every aquatic organism.
Apart from aquatic life , birds are ultra-vulnerable to damage from oil film over surface of water , the spilled oil break down their natural insulting oils and waxes which shield the birds from water. Ultimately they lose insulation , start shivering and freeze to death in winter. About 25000 birds died in Torry canyon incident. Oil spilling in sea causes abnormally low body temperature in birds resulting in hypothermia. Nearly 150 rare species of bald eagles also become victims when they ingested oil during Exxon Valdez accident , world's largest oil spilling accident , scavenging an oily sea bird carcasses. About 1000 sea otters died when their fir became saturated with oil by losing insulation. Several birds developed respiratory ailments because volatile components of oil weekend membranes in their lungs and many suffered liver and kidney damage caused by ingesting oil while cleaning their coasts.
These oils have acute and noxious effects on humans too but we don't consider them directly , so Better is to clasp and mitigate these spills on water bodies otherwise the day is not far when humans feel direct and fatal effects , then we will stop this mad rat race of perjury development...!





"Oil Spills: The Murderer

February 08, 2021 | Umar Bashir

"Two things are unlimited - One is the Universe, and the other is man's foolishness. We can only hope that the latter doesn't lead him to go on blindly polluting his environment until he falls victim to his own folly""

by Abert Einstein

The presence of products or blessings are for wisdom and agreeable & doesn't become benisons until there use is hogwash executed by man to excavate palaver things that never molds so, but it inversely fatuities him and shrinks his own green zone of dwelling. The Mad Rat Race on the name of development among nations over the global development jeopardised the Health and life of man including other creatures too. Perjury progress on the name of development by inflicting petroleum , oil and there products either through breakdown of Derricks , leakage of oil rangers , accidental spillage , cleaning of merchants , cautiously dumping oils and war ships in the water are ways to murder the living organisms in their own habitat and environment . Introduction of oil and its products murder the unique character of Water, which then proportionally endangers the aquatic life and coastal flora and fauna. Huge petroleum and plastic products precipitate at the bottom or are adsorbed on rock , stone and sand banks inhibit the life of the hydrobionts. It has been analyzed , single drop of oil or petroleum spreads over a Great area to isolate the water from atmospheric oxygen contact , restricts oxygen Which Hurts aquatic life. The regular introduction of oil films over water inhibit photosynthesis and the formation of oxygen, restricts the growth of plankton , which is the Basal stage of the aquatic life trophic chains. These films shield the solar Radiation of sun towards bottom of water body which becomes a Reason for restricted growth of planktons. Most organisms inhabitation at the surface layers & obtain the mineral and organic substances required for their vital processes , but the surface of water is contaminated by the film of oil , which interferes with normal process of food gaining in creatures and development of many hydrobionts. As Oils and there products are immiscible and high viscous than water , so when these products are splattered on the surface of water , while taking food from water bodies these oils soak into the air voids of birds and let them grounded gradually they lost their life.
The history of the oil spills is not new to this world but post decades are revealing stories with disasters nature trends. These are perhaps the most widely covered environmental incidents in the national and international Media. These spills on Ocean water causes alarming threats to biodiversity and ecosystem. The world is alarm up with the disaster of an oil spill on 18 march 1967 when a Liberian tanker , Terry Canyon ran down on the southwest coast of Great Britain , near the entrance of the English channel , spilling 60,000 tons of crude oil into the sea. Oil splattered onto 160 km of coastline killing huge number of fish and birds. After the gap of just 2-3 years in 1969 the second major oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara in USA discharging oil at the rate of 1000 gallons per hour. These oils not only murder the birds but also benthic population as well , which indirectly disturbs the aquatic ecosystem & then other communities Especially near the water communities and Ultimately voids in ecosystem services as noxious for dwelling. These accidents are happening in every country of the world in the sense of Either to excavate more profit or to dump or to mitigate pollution . India is not bereft of such disasters , in 1973 ,3000 tons of oil was splattered onto the Gujrat coast , when an oil tanker , Cosmos pioneer ran aground and in June 1989 , a Maltase tanker , MT puppy collided with a British vessel , spilling over 5500 tons of furnace oil into the open seas of Mumbai.
A recent estimate undicates that about 3 million tonnes of oil are added annually to the sea by using sea water as ballast for empty tankers. It is mixed when the Ballast gets Dumped and carries residual oil from tanker. It can coat 20 feet wide and half an inch deep oil layer of 8700 miles in a beach. The dumping of bilge contents by ships adds nearly 500000 tons of oil per year , while total influx of oil into ocean has been 5-10 million tons annually. New Recent oil based technology and vessel accidents near sea shore add to extensive marine oil pollution. It is estimated that two million tons of used lubricating oil are added every year in coastal waters. Accidents due to collision , fire , explosion also result in oil release . International discharge of oily wastes from tank washings and accidental spillages pollute sea water severely. From Indra Dock basin alone ,more than 90,000 liters of waste oil collected in 1984. A recent report shows that about 20 billion tons of wastes per year from industries , homes , farms & municipalities end up in sea. These oil spills don't remain silent but murdered extensive floating plantation, marine life serverly. Recently the heaps of dead fishes were washed ashore between Dabolin and Velcano Coast in Goa. Soluble aromatics present in oil acutely affect the aquatic organisms by disrupting their biological , physiological and behavioural activities. Adult aquatic life can't survive of soluble aromatics in oil and is lethal dose at the larva stage of every aquatic organism.
Apart from aquatic life , birds are ultra-vulnerable to damage from oil film over surface of water , the spilled oil break down their natural insulting oils and waxes which shield the birds from water. Ultimately they lose insulation , start shivering and freeze to death in winter. About 25000 birds died in Torry canyon incident. Oil spilling in sea causes abnormally low body temperature in birds resulting in hypothermia. Nearly 150 rare species of bald eagles also become victims when they ingested oil during Exxon Valdez accident , world's largest oil spilling accident , scavenging an oily sea bird carcasses. About 1000 sea otters died when their fir became saturated with oil by losing insulation. Several birds developed respiratory ailments because volatile components of oil weekend membranes in their lungs and many suffered liver and kidney damage caused by ingesting oil while cleaning their coasts.
These oils have acute and noxious effects on humans too but we don't consider them directly , so Better is to clasp and mitigate these spills on water bodies otherwise the day is not far when humans feel direct and fatal effects , then we will stop this mad rat race of perjury development...!

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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
Legal Advisor: M.J. Hubi
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© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Quantum Technologies

Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
Legal Advisor: M.J. Hubi
Printed at: Abid Enterprizes, Zainkote Srinagar
Published from: Gulshanabad Chraresharief Budgam
RNI No.: JKENG/2010/33802
Office No’s: 0194-2451076, 9622924716 , 9419400056
Postal Regd No: SK/135/2010-2019
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