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One Day Workshop on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Conducted at SMVDU

January 15, 2022 | BK News Service

Faculty Development Centre (FDC) Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU) under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Scheme, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, today organised a One day workshop on ‘Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security’.
The workshop was inaugurated by Padmashree Prof. R.K. Sinha, Vice Chancellor, SMVDU.
Prof. Sinha, in his presidential address emphasized the need for creating awareness about the cyber security issues as the digital and personal identities of individuals are getting seamlessly integrated.
Prof Sinha appreciated the efforts and emphasised on regular conduction of such workshops in this burning area. Key note address was delivered by, Prof. (Dr.) Nishakant Ojha, an expert in Cyber, Aerospace Securities & National Securities issues. Dr. Ojha shared an in-depth insight in the core area of National Securities Strategies and Cyber Policies. He shared his valuable experience with the participants and gave insights into the latest defence and cyber security measures being adopted by various countries.
Dr. Supran K. Sharma, Dean Faculty of Management and coordinator, FDC-SMVDU, embarked on the need for upgrading the skills of the faculty members. He pressed upon the idea to continuously develop and enhance the knowledge base of the teaching community to face the current challenges of the society. Nagendra Jamwal, Registrar SMVDU conveyed best wishes for the said prestigious workshop.
Dr. Sakshi Arora, the convener of the workshop, introduced the idea of the workshop giving an insight on the government initiatives in the arena of cybercrime and security and the Indian cyber law framework. Dr. Baijnath Kaushik, Head Department of Computer Science & Engineering, talked about the various domains and aspects of cyber security and how keeping abreast with the latest in the field may be of relevance to all.
Dheeraj Madulkar, Director, Techno Legends and Application Security Engineer and Cyber Security Expert, in his session, dwelled in details on the nuances of ethical hacking. The session saw an array of hands on tools for ethical hacking and tracking the cyber world. The workshop ended with Sudesh kumar inviting the feedback about the workshop, vote of thanks offered by Dr. Sunanda and valedictory by Sonika Gupta. Dr. Pooja conducted the proceedings of the workshop. The national level workshop witnessed participation of faculty members from premier institutions from across the country.





One Day Workshop on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Conducted at SMVDU

January 15, 2022 | BK News Service

Faculty Development Centre (FDC) Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU) under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Scheme, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, today organised a One day workshop on ‘Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security’.
The workshop was inaugurated by Padmashree Prof. R.K. Sinha, Vice Chancellor, SMVDU.
Prof. Sinha, in his presidential address emphasized the need for creating awareness about the cyber security issues as the digital and personal identities of individuals are getting seamlessly integrated.
Prof Sinha appreciated the efforts and emphasised on regular conduction of such workshops in this burning area. Key note address was delivered by, Prof. (Dr.) Nishakant Ojha, an expert in Cyber, Aerospace Securities & National Securities issues. Dr. Ojha shared an in-depth insight in the core area of National Securities Strategies and Cyber Policies. He shared his valuable experience with the participants and gave insights into the latest defence and cyber security measures being adopted by various countries.
Dr. Supran K. Sharma, Dean Faculty of Management and coordinator, FDC-SMVDU, embarked on the need for upgrading the skills of the faculty members. He pressed upon the idea to continuously develop and enhance the knowledge base of the teaching community to face the current challenges of the society. Nagendra Jamwal, Registrar SMVDU conveyed best wishes for the said prestigious workshop.
Dr. Sakshi Arora, the convener of the workshop, introduced the idea of the workshop giving an insight on the government initiatives in the arena of cybercrime and security and the Indian cyber law framework. Dr. Baijnath Kaushik, Head Department of Computer Science & Engineering, talked about the various domains and aspects of cyber security and how keeping abreast with the latest in the field may be of relevance to all.
Dheeraj Madulkar, Director, Techno Legends and Application Security Engineer and Cyber Security Expert, in his session, dwelled in details on the nuances of ethical hacking. The session saw an array of hands on tools for ethical hacking and tracking the cyber world. The workshop ended with Sudesh kumar inviting the feedback about the workshop, vote of thanks offered by Dr. Sunanda and valedictory by Sonika Gupta. Dr. Pooja conducted the proceedings of the workshop. The national level workshop witnessed participation of faculty members from premier institutions from across the country.

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