03-20-2025     3 رجب 1440

Supplicate well  

April 24, 2020 |


Supplication is the art of invoking the blessings of Allah the almighty. Very few people know how to supplicate and when their supplication is not granted they lose heart and sometimes utter such words, which are enough to relieve them of their faith. Therefore, it is essential for the people to learn the art of supplication.
Why is supplication necessary? Allah the most exalted is fully aware of the problems of every person. He knows better who needs what and when. “Verily supplication is worship”….(Al Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud). This is a concession from Allah the almighty. Asking for Allah’s help is in itself worship and therefore, a virtuous deed. So a person who raises his hands and seeks blessings of Allah the almighty pleases Him. Allah grants the supplication. “Seek and I shall give”….(Al Quran).
Supplication relieves a person of vices like arrogance and pride. When a person kneels down and says, “Oh Allah, You are my Master. I am helpless. Have mercy on me”, he gets purified. He admits his helplessness. He shuns his arrogance. He admits the supremacy. And, when this happens the person can understand the problems of others and even take measures to solve them.
One day the most revered Prophet (SAW) uttered a few words, which have been translated by Al Tirmidhi as: “Nothing is more honourable before Allah the almighty than supplication".
Allah is most merciful. According to renowned scholars Allah either grants a supplication immediately or shall reward the person handsomely on the day of judgement in lieu of his supplication.
While supplicating a person has to fulfill certain conditions. For example the food he is taking and the clothes he is wearing must be earned through halal means. One should not supplicate for something, which is forbidden. For example one should not supplicate for wine, or for a win in the casino.
The supplication must be started by praising Allah the most merciful and by sending salutations to the most revered Prophet (SAW). Then the person must admit his evil deeds and seek pardon for them.
The person must raise his hands with all humility, hope and fear and repeat his supplication three times. One need not raise his voice while supplicating. And, it is better to face the Kabbah while supplicating. Similarly one should not be aggressive while supplicating.
The people must have patience. They should not lose heart if the results are apparently disappointing. Allah the most merciful does not like to return a person (who raises his hands before him) empty handed. However, if the supplication is not granted, Allah promises such persons of a handsome reward on the day of judgement.
A person who raises his hands before Allah the most merciful must not forget his parents, his teachers, his relatives, his neighbours and the Ummah in general.
Abdulaziz Addwesh in his Islamic Etiquettes has made a mention of times when supplication is more likely to be granted. The night of the Qadr, at the end of every obligatory Salaat, between Adhaan and Iqamah, the last third of the night, when it is raining, the last hour on Friday, while drinking zam zam, while prostrating before Allah the most merciful, on the day of Arafah, when being oppressed by others, at the time of breaking fast and at the time of travelling.
However, notwithstanding these when a person calls his Master with tears in his eyes, with a broken heart, makes mention of his sins and seeks pardon for them, promises to lead a pious life, there is no reason why such supplication should not be granted.





Supplicate well  

April 24, 2020 |


Supplication is the art of invoking the blessings of Allah the almighty. Very few people know how to supplicate and when their supplication is not granted they lose heart and sometimes utter such words, which are enough to relieve them of their faith. Therefore, it is essential for the people to learn the art of supplication.
Why is supplication necessary? Allah the most exalted is fully aware of the problems of every person. He knows better who needs what and when. “Verily supplication is worship”….(Al Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud). This is a concession from Allah the almighty. Asking for Allah’s help is in itself worship and therefore, a virtuous deed. So a person who raises his hands and seeks blessings of Allah the almighty pleases Him. Allah grants the supplication. “Seek and I shall give”….(Al Quran).
Supplication relieves a person of vices like arrogance and pride. When a person kneels down and says, “Oh Allah, You are my Master. I am helpless. Have mercy on me”, he gets purified. He admits his helplessness. He shuns his arrogance. He admits the supremacy. And, when this happens the person can understand the problems of others and even take measures to solve them.
One day the most revered Prophet (SAW) uttered a few words, which have been translated by Al Tirmidhi as: “Nothing is more honourable before Allah the almighty than supplication".
Allah is most merciful. According to renowned scholars Allah either grants a supplication immediately or shall reward the person handsomely on the day of judgement in lieu of his supplication.
While supplicating a person has to fulfill certain conditions. For example the food he is taking and the clothes he is wearing must be earned through halal means. One should not supplicate for something, which is forbidden. For example one should not supplicate for wine, or for a win in the casino.
The supplication must be started by praising Allah the most merciful and by sending salutations to the most revered Prophet (SAW). Then the person must admit his evil deeds and seek pardon for them.
The person must raise his hands with all humility, hope and fear and repeat his supplication three times. One need not raise his voice while supplicating. And, it is better to face the Kabbah while supplicating. Similarly one should not be aggressive while supplicating.
The people must have patience. They should not lose heart if the results are apparently disappointing. Allah the most merciful does not like to return a person (who raises his hands before him) empty handed. However, if the supplication is not granted, Allah promises such persons of a handsome reward on the day of judgement.
A person who raises his hands before Allah the most merciful must not forget his parents, his teachers, his relatives, his neighbours and the Ummah in general.
Abdulaziz Addwesh in his Islamic Etiquettes has made a mention of times when supplication is more likely to be granted. The night of the Qadr, at the end of every obligatory Salaat, between Adhaan and Iqamah, the last third of the night, when it is raining, the last hour on Friday, while drinking zam zam, while prostrating before Allah the most merciful, on the day of Arafah, when being oppressed by others, at the time of breaking fast and at the time of travelling.
However, notwithstanding these when a person calls his Master with tears in his eyes, with a broken heart, makes mention of his sins and seeks pardon for them, promises to lead a pious life, there is no reason why such supplication should not be granted.

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