The challenge today is how these three institutions can contribute to character education for the future generation
Parents and teachers deal with physical conflicts, bullying, harsh language, intolerance, and a lack of accountability on a daily basis. How astutely have our youngsters begun to respond to us these days? Whether at home or at school, the younger generation appears to have displayed disruptive and violent behavior, casting doubt on their sense of values.
Children absorb information from their environment, including people, the media, school, and friends. Once enrolled in school, students tend to place a high value on their classmates, who may come from a variety of backgrounds. Teachers are seen in classrooms placing a greater emphasis on the subject while ignoring fundamental morals and values. Due to the deteriorating economic conditions and rising inflation, both parents are now required to work, while the children are left in the care of servants. Children are likewise addicted to television from a young age. That is why they become they become familiar with obscene gestures and swearing, which are frequently shown in films, and begin emulating the characters they watch on screen.
Parents, teachers, and the community must collaborate to instill socially acceptable attitudes, principles, and behavior in children that are not only implemented within the four walls of the school or house, but also carried out by the children throughout their lives and passed down to their children.Core values such as honesty, responsibility, mutual respect, diversity, tolerance, participation, critical thinking, and reflection can be instilled by parents and teachers working together, while the community can assist and encourage children to become positive and disciplined citizens. The challenge today is how these three institutions can contribute to character education for the future generation.
A child’s family is the first institution with which he or she interacts. As a result, it is critical that parents begin instilling fundamental values such as respect, care, patience, and trust in their children at a young age. When scolding or admonishing, instead of using very negative and harsh words, keep your tongue soft, respectful, and sympathetic. This will help the young impressionable minds understand the rights and wrongs more easily. The language spoken at home has a significant impact on a child’s communication abilities and personality development. Declaratively reminding your kid that inappropriate language is not tolerated will provide a clear message that slang terms are not acceptable. Similarly, putting your faith in your family and loved ones will help you grow in a positive and healthy way.
Second in line is school, which is an important aspect of a child’s life because it is where he or she spends six to seven hours each day. Throughout the academic year, teachers should emphasize the importance of upholding principal values. Social values can be introduced into lessons through activities such as group work, reading stories and poems, and, of course, by thoroughly understanding Islam’s teachings.
Take, for example, an English class where Robert Frost’s “The road not taken” is being discussed, Teachers can use a triangle model to help their students develop their character. To assist pupils recognize the positive character traits of their favorite personalities, the left side of the triangle focuses on using role models, classmates, family members,legends, heroes, and reinforcement processes.
Teachers can question children if they are aware of any difficult decisions made by family members or friends, and how those decisions impacted them and others. They can also show how important values are in one’s life by describing the popular and controversial decisions taken by a select role models. While relating the triangle model to the poem, Students can be encouraged to tell about personal events where decisions they made affected their lives for the better or for the worse. The right half of the triangle focuses on processes, which are sensible approaches to dealing with a variety of life events. Morally appropriate problem- solving, decision-making, critical thinking, and the process of reflecting on and learning from one’s prior experiences are all included. Teachers can use real-life case studies as part of this literary curriculum to help their pupils understand how to cope ethically with a difficult circumstance in life. They can also delegate the decision to take a certain path to their students, who can then explore the benefits and drawbacks of their choices while respecting everyone’s rights. They can inspire their students to critically think on their actions and aspire to better their character and mental health.
Finally, the triangle is built on principles such as honesty, cooperation, and respect, as well as abilities like teamwork, anger control, emotional intelligence, time management, and so on. Even while discussing Frost’s poetry, these abilities can be instilled. Teachers can do real- life case study reading in groups, in which students must respect and work with one another, and manage their time, anger, and emotions as part of a team to achieve the lesson objectives. Other disciplines that can benefit from this triangle paradigm include Urdu, Social studies, and Islamiat.
Third, the community can play an important role in assisting youngsters in developing and adhering to personal values and ethics. Do you honestly believe that our younger generation would have any sense of ownership or responsibility for their country if we, their elders, littered and degraded our environment? Would they treat others with respect if their elders treated them badly? When they observe so much hostility toward different religions and ethnic groups, will they learn tolerance, and the value of diversity? Certainly not!
It wouldn’t matter how well their parents raised them or how well their teachers taught them because when they left their homes and schools, they would see and experience a different world, one in which all of their familiar values, morals, and ethics were being shattered. And they’ll follow suit. As a result, in order to prevent young people from straying wrong, our community must play the largest and most vital role possible. Every member of the community must serve as a role model for our children. They must demonstrate how their core ideals guide and supervise their lives. We must set an example for future generations so that they can grow and become productive citizens of a country.
Email: eyramkhan786@gmail.com
The challenge today is how these three institutions can contribute to character education for the future generation
Parents and teachers deal with physical conflicts, bullying, harsh language, intolerance, and a lack of accountability on a daily basis. How astutely have our youngsters begun to respond to us these days? Whether at home or at school, the younger generation appears to have displayed disruptive and violent behavior, casting doubt on their sense of values.
Children absorb information from their environment, including people, the media, school, and friends. Once enrolled in school, students tend to place a high value on their classmates, who may come from a variety of backgrounds. Teachers are seen in classrooms placing a greater emphasis on the subject while ignoring fundamental morals and values. Due to the deteriorating economic conditions and rising inflation, both parents are now required to work, while the children are left in the care of servants. Children are likewise addicted to television from a young age. That is why they become they become familiar with obscene gestures and swearing, which are frequently shown in films, and begin emulating the characters they watch on screen.
Parents, teachers, and the community must collaborate to instill socially acceptable attitudes, principles, and behavior in children that are not only implemented within the four walls of the school or house, but also carried out by the children throughout their lives and passed down to their children.Core values such as honesty, responsibility, mutual respect, diversity, tolerance, participation, critical thinking, and reflection can be instilled by parents and teachers working together, while the community can assist and encourage children to become positive and disciplined citizens. The challenge today is how these three institutions can contribute to character education for the future generation.
A child’s family is the first institution with which he or she interacts. As a result, it is critical that parents begin instilling fundamental values such as respect, care, patience, and trust in their children at a young age. When scolding or admonishing, instead of using very negative and harsh words, keep your tongue soft, respectful, and sympathetic. This will help the young impressionable minds understand the rights and wrongs more easily. The language spoken at home has a significant impact on a child’s communication abilities and personality development. Declaratively reminding your kid that inappropriate language is not tolerated will provide a clear message that slang terms are not acceptable. Similarly, putting your faith in your family and loved ones will help you grow in a positive and healthy way.
Second in line is school, which is an important aspect of a child’s life because it is where he or she spends six to seven hours each day. Throughout the academic year, teachers should emphasize the importance of upholding principal values. Social values can be introduced into lessons through activities such as group work, reading stories and poems, and, of course, by thoroughly understanding Islam’s teachings.
Take, for example, an English class where Robert Frost’s “The road not taken” is being discussed, Teachers can use a triangle model to help their students develop their character. To assist pupils recognize the positive character traits of their favorite personalities, the left side of the triangle focuses on using role models, classmates, family members,legends, heroes, and reinforcement processes.
Teachers can question children if they are aware of any difficult decisions made by family members or friends, and how those decisions impacted them and others. They can also show how important values are in one’s life by describing the popular and controversial decisions taken by a select role models. While relating the triangle model to the poem, Students can be encouraged to tell about personal events where decisions they made affected their lives for the better or for the worse. The right half of the triangle focuses on processes, which are sensible approaches to dealing with a variety of life events. Morally appropriate problem- solving, decision-making, critical thinking, and the process of reflecting on and learning from one’s prior experiences are all included. Teachers can use real-life case studies as part of this literary curriculum to help their pupils understand how to cope ethically with a difficult circumstance in life. They can also delegate the decision to take a certain path to their students, who can then explore the benefits and drawbacks of their choices while respecting everyone’s rights. They can inspire their students to critically think on their actions and aspire to better their character and mental health.
Finally, the triangle is built on principles such as honesty, cooperation, and respect, as well as abilities like teamwork, anger control, emotional intelligence, time management, and so on. Even while discussing Frost’s poetry, these abilities can be instilled. Teachers can do real- life case study reading in groups, in which students must respect and work with one another, and manage their time, anger, and emotions as part of a team to achieve the lesson objectives. Other disciplines that can benefit from this triangle paradigm include Urdu, Social studies, and Islamiat.
Third, the community can play an important role in assisting youngsters in developing and adhering to personal values and ethics. Do you honestly believe that our younger generation would have any sense of ownership or responsibility for their country if we, their elders, littered and degraded our environment? Would they treat others with respect if their elders treated them badly? When they observe so much hostility toward different religions and ethnic groups, will they learn tolerance, and the value of diversity? Certainly not!
It wouldn’t matter how well their parents raised them or how well their teachers taught them because when they left their homes and schools, they would see and experience a different world, one in which all of their familiar values, morals, and ethics were being shattered. And they’ll follow suit. As a result, in order to prevent young people from straying wrong, our community must play the largest and most vital role possible. Every member of the community must serve as a role model for our children. They must demonstrate how their core ideals guide and supervise their lives. We must set an example for future generations so that they can grow and become productive citizens of a country.
Email: eyramkhan786@gmail.com
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