Perhaps the greatest feather in the cap of the Government was the bold decision to amend Article 370 and give J&K the status of a fully integrated region. For administrative follow up and convenience, Union Territory (UT) status was accorded to J&K and to Ladakh
A nation may have all the positives to make progress and its people all the energy to aspire for greatness. However, unless the nation is fundamentally secure and its relationships with neighbours and others in the international community are on even keel, progress could well be elusive. In the last nine years India’s stock has risen as never before with the national security and foreign policy domains receiving unequivocal attention to ensure that all other facets of national growth continue in their progress without a worry for resources or obstacles in the path.
In terms of foreign policy an element of neutrality backed by a multilateral approach has given India the leeway to follow an interest based policy where mutual interests rule. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s personal outreach to world leaders of high stature has ensured that our stock has only risen. The best example is the bond he established with three US Presidents, all with fairly diverse outlooks. This has ensured that Indo-US relations have steadily progressed, incorporating frequent consultation through the 2 2 concept. The US has ensured that India’s interests in the field of acquisitions from nations under its sanctions, have not been impacted. It also continues to respect India’s stand on the war in Ukraine.
In the Middle East too, an independent policy pursued by India has ensured flourishing relationships with the Gulf countries where an 8 million strong diaspora resides with large remittances being made home. In addition, India has now become a member of the Western Quad which signifies partnership with Israel, US and UAE (IIUU).
The rise in India’s geopolitical stature came about due to the effective internal management of the pandemic, the vaccine diplomacy that followed and the title that it earned of being labelled the pharma capital of the world. The diplomatic brownie points came handy as the Ukraine War broke out. With the correct stance of neutrality adopted by India it could manoeuvre an energy advantage for itself; this was something so crucial for the aspirational bounce back of the economy after that had taken a negative hit for two years running. From a -24% depreciation of the economy to a 6.25 % positive growth rate in less than two years was a result of prudent national security and foreign policy.
The period of the current government did witness attempts at Wolf Warrior Diplomacy by China to browbeat India due to its growing strategic confidence. A strong and appropriate quid pro quo (QPQ) ensured that China could not exploit any advantage from the military situation it tried to create. The negotiation process remains ongoing without being a major threat.
Perhaps the greatest feather in the cap of the Government was the bold decision to amend Article 370 and give J&K the status of a fully integrated region. For administrative follow up and convenience, Union Territory (UT) status was accorded to J&K and to Ladakh. The ceasefire at the LoC remains in place since Feb 2021 and is affording greater stabilization of the security environment. This has opened many options on progressing the situation in J&K to a positive finality.
In the domain of capability and capacity development the realization that India could not squander billions of foreign exchange reserves on acquisition of critical hardware for modernization of the Armed Forces, has been strongly infused in the minds of the stakeholders. Four “positive indigenisation lists (PIL)" have been identified till now with 1238 items put on import ban in the first three lists and recently 928 items similarly treated. The latest list of 928 items includes strategically-important components, including high-end materials and spares, with import substitution value worth Rs 715 crore. That is the route towards Atmanirbharta (self-reliance) which is slowly but assuredly making progress. With more emphasis on indigenization India’s scientific and research and development (R&D) community have been greatly encouraged. The saving of crucial foreign exchange will ensure economic stability and realization of the goals of being a 5 trillion US$ economy well before 2030.
The Indo Pacific region has received much attention due to its rising stature in the domain of areas under threat of destabilization. Through the outreach to ASEAN, invitations to the Heads of Government/State for Republic Day 2018, active involvement with members of the Quadrilateral (Quad) of nations, effective use of political and military diplomacy and the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the South Pacific this region has received more than adequate focus and augurs well for future groupings and partnerships if ever required.
The neighbourhood has never been far from the Government’s focus. India provided assistance worth 3.8 billion dollars to Sri Lanka to tide over the unprecedented economic crisis. The relationship with Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal has been at par, and with Afghanistan it is developing along unexpectedly positive lines, especially concerning Indian soft power.
Nine years of a dynamic and fast changing international environment has seen India keep matching pace and undoubtedly can aspire for a higher rung on the hierarchy of stable nations. The G20 chair is testimony to the expectations from India and the invite to G7 is a precursor to the eventual pride of place which is being kept for India.
Perhaps the greatest feather in the cap of the Government was the bold decision to amend Article 370 and give J&K the status of a fully integrated region. For administrative follow up and convenience, Union Territory (UT) status was accorded to J&K and to Ladakh
A nation may have all the positives to make progress and its people all the energy to aspire for greatness. However, unless the nation is fundamentally secure and its relationships with neighbours and others in the international community are on even keel, progress could well be elusive. In the last nine years India’s stock has risen as never before with the national security and foreign policy domains receiving unequivocal attention to ensure that all other facets of national growth continue in their progress without a worry for resources or obstacles in the path.
In terms of foreign policy an element of neutrality backed by a multilateral approach has given India the leeway to follow an interest based policy where mutual interests rule. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s personal outreach to world leaders of high stature has ensured that our stock has only risen. The best example is the bond he established with three US Presidents, all with fairly diverse outlooks. This has ensured that Indo-US relations have steadily progressed, incorporating frequent consultation through the 2 2 concept. The US has ensured that India’s interests in the field of acquisitions from nations under its sanctions, have not been impacted. It also continues to respect India’s stand on the war in Ukraine.
In the Middle East too, an independent policy pursued by India has ensured flourishing relationships with the Gulf countries where an 8 million strong diaspora resides with large remittances being made home. In addition, India has now become a member of the Western Quad which signifies partnership with Israel, US and UAE (IIUU).
The rise in India’s geopolitical stature came about due to the effective internal management of the pandemic, the vaccine diplomacy that followed and the title that it earned of being labelled the pharma capital of the world. The diplomatic brownie points came handy as the Ukraine War broke out. With the correct stance of neutrality adopted by India it could manoeuvre an energy advantage for itself; this was something so crucial for the aspirational bounce back of the economy after that had taken a negative hit for two years running. From a -24% depreciation of the economy to a 6.25 % positive growth rate in less than two years was a result of prudent national security and foreign policy.
The period of the current government did witness attempts at Wolf Warrior Diplomacy by China to browbeat India due to its growing strategic confidence. A strong and appropriate quid pro quo (QPQ) ensured that China could not exploit any advantage from the military situation it tried to create. The negotiation process remains ongoing without being a major threat.
Perhaps the greatest feather in the cap of the Government was the bold decision to amend Article 370 and give J&K the status of a fully integrated region. For administrative follow up and convenience, Union Territory (UT) status was accorded to J&K and to Ladakh. The ceasefire at the LoC remains in place since Feb 2021 and is affording greater stabilization of the security environment. This has opened many options on progressing the situation in J&K to a positive finality.
In the domain of capability and capacity development the realization that India could not squander billions of foreign exchange reserves on acquisition of critical hardware for modernization of the Armed Forces, has been strongly infused in the minds of the stakeholders. Four “positive indigenisation lists (PIL)" have been identified till now with 1238 items put on import ban in the first three lists and recently 928 items similarly treated. The latest list of 928 items includes strategically-important components, including high-end materials and spares, with import substitution value worth Rs 715 crore. That is the route towards Atmanirbharta (self-reliance) which is slowly but assuredly making progress. With more emphasis on indigenization India’s scientific and research and development (R&D) community have been greatly encouraged. The saving of crucial foreign exchange will ensure economic stability and realization of the goals of being a 5 trillion US$ economy well before 2030.
The Indo Pacific region has received much attention due to its rising stature in the domain of areas under threat of destabilization. Through the outreach to ASEAN, invitations to the Heads of Government/State for Republic Day 2018, active involvement with members of the Quadrilateral (Quad) of nations, effective use of political and military diplomacy and the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the South Pacific this region has received more than adequate focus and augurs well for future groupings and partnerships if ever required.
The neighbourhood has never been far from the Government’s focus. India provided assistance worth 3.8 billion dollars to Sri Lanka to tide over the unprecedented economic crisis. The relationship with Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal has been at par, and with Afghanistan it is developing along unexpectedly positive lines, especially concerning Indian soft power.
Nine years of a dynamic and fast changing international environment has seen India keep matching pace and undoubtedly can aspire for a higher rung on the hierarchy of stable nations. The G20 chair is testimony to the expectations from India and the invite to G7 is a precursor to the eventual pride of place which is being kept for India.
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