02-08-2025     3 رجب 1440

Are Cats Dangerous During Pregnancy ?

There is no medical reason whatsoever for pregnant women to get rid of their cats from their households. The real risk of transmission of any disease from a pet cat is very low. These fake and sensationalized videos are inducing undue levels of stress and anxiety for pregnant women.'

February 03, 2025 | Irfan Attari Kashmiri

With the present digital era, social media websites have become strong sources of information but are also utilized equally as strong sources of misinformation. Of late, some videos have been trending on various websites with scary reports claiming that pregnant women should not touch cats lest some harm may result due to toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease. Such reports, which are largely propagated by unverified sources as well as by self-styled journalists, are spreading unnecessary fear among pregnant women who might not be well-informed. How much of the above is founded on established fact and how much of it is pure fear-mongering? Let us examine the same in some detail and dissect it logically.

The Misinformation that has Gone Viral: Fears Over Facts

Over the past few weeks, various videos surfacing on widely-used websites like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram have caused huge panic among pregnant women. The videos have sensational and scary reports, claiming that even contact with a cat, even without touching them, may result in catastrophic outcomes in the form of miscarriage or that all the cats around possess *Toxoplasma gondii*, the causative organism liable for the development of toxoplasmosis. A vast majority of such sensational reports have no solid scientific foundation and are based mainly on sensationalism to attract their viewers. All such reports only aim to create unnecessary fear but do not proceed further to inform people about actual risks.

Toxoplasmosis: Fact and Science Behind

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite, *Toxoplasma gondii*. The parasite mentioned above is present in huge quantities in several sources including:
Soil contaminated by them
Raw or undercooked meat
Dirty and raw vegetables and fruits
Feces of cats
In otherwise healthy people, the disease persists with flu-like signs or even remains asymptomatic altogether. However, in a woman, if she happens to develop toxoplasmosis for the first time ever during pregnancy, it results in various critical dangers like miscarriage, stillbirth, or even possible birth deformities which may go on to impact the offspring.

Do Cats Really Infect you with Toxoplasmosis?

While it is true that cats are the usual hosts of the parasite in question, the actual risk of transmission from a pet cat to a human is regarded as low. For there to be any risk, a cat needs not only to be infected with the parasite but also actively shedding it in the feces. Additionally, it needs to be noted that the parasite itself is not infectious until 24 hours have elapsed, and therefore the daily cleaning of the litter box can do much to eliminate the risk of exposure. On the other hand, there are other routes of potential infection, such as consuming undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables, which are more at risk than having household cats.


How to Remain Safe Without Having to Give Up Your Cat

Medical experts strongly advise that there is absolutely no necessity for pregnant women to even consider giving up their beloved pets. By adopting a few easy yet effective measures, safety can be ensured without going to the extreme of giving up the cat:
Someone else has to clean the litter box. If this is not possible, make sure that you wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterward.
Make sure that you take the trouble to avoid raw or undercooked meat.
Make sure that fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed before consumption.
When gardening, ensure that your gloves are on.
Keeping cats indoors is advised in order to prevent them from hunting, which might infect them.
By using these simple precautions, pregnant women can quite easily stay safe without resorting to extreme measures like abandoning their dearly beloved pets.

The Role of Unprofessional Journalism in Creating Panic

There are now more individuals who present themselves as journalists on social media, and they are creating unnecessary panic without bothering to verify important facts. Instead of getting facts from experts, these self-proclaimed journalists employ sensational headlines and emotional tales as a publicity-generating tool. This unprofessional approach misleads the public and generates panic that is unnecessary. For instance, some viral videos inaccurately claim that medical experts advise keeping cats out of homes during pregnancy. However, it needs to be noted that no reputable health organization endorses such sensational headlines.

Medical Experts Speak Out

Top health organizations, for example, recognized institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have gone ahead to state that the risk of toxoplasmosis can be effectively avoided by following simple hygiene practices.
Dr. Anjali Sharma, a gynecologist, asserts categorically:
There is no medical reason whatsoever for pregnant women to get rid of their cats from their households. The real risk of transmission of any disease from a pet cat is very low. These fake and sensationalized videos are inducing undue levels of stress and anxiety for pregnant women.'
A healthy well-cared-for cat does not pose any risk to a pregnant woman. The overall fear about this matter is largely driven by myths and misconceptions and not scientific facts.'

Education Over Fear

As much as the fact is that toxoplasmosis is a real health issue and must be taken seriously, the idea that all cats by nature carry a risk to pregnant women is largely an exaggeration. Recent social media trends have largely fueled unnecessary fears and anxieties, largely spreading information poorly supported by science. Pregnant women should rather make their decisions based on established and verifiable medical facts and not be influenced by fabricated viral content on the internet. By following good hygiene rules and guidelines provided by experts in the field, they can be sure of their safety while still being able to enjoy the companionship of their pets. As social media keeps on expanding and influencing public opinion, it is equally essential that good journalism pay attention to facts and not create fear among the public.






Are Cats Dangerous During Pregnancy ?

There is no medical reason whatsoever for pregnant women to get rid of their cats from their households. The real risk of transmission of any disease from a pet cat is very low. These fake and sensationalized videos are inducing undue levels of stress and anxiety for pregnant women.'

February 03, 2025 | Irfan Attari Kashmiri

With the present digital era, social media websites have become strong sources of information but are also utilized equally as strong sources of misinformation. Of late, some videos have been trending on various websites with scary reports claiming that pregnant women should not touch cats lest some harm may result due to toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease. Such reports, which are largely propagated by unverified sources as well as by self-styled journalists, are spreading unnecessary fear among pregnant women who might not be well-informed. How much of the above is founded on established fact and how much of it is pure fear-mongering? Let us examine the same in some detail and dissect it logically.

The Misinformation that has Gone Viral: Fears Over Facts

Over the past few weeks, various videos surfacing on widely-used websites like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram have caused huge panic among pregnant women. The videos have sensational and scary reports, claiming that even contact with a cat, even without touching them, may result in catastrophic outcomes in the form of miscarriage or that all the cats around possess *Toxoplasma gondii*, the causative organism liable for the development of toxoplasmosis. A vast majority of such sensational reports have no solid scientific foundation and are based mainly on sensationalism to attract their viewers. All such reports only aim to create unnecessary fear but do not proceed further to inform people about actual risks.

Toxoplasmosis: Fact and Science Behind

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite, *Toxoplasma gondii*. The parasite mentioned above is present in huge quantities in several sources including:
Soil contaminated by them
Raw or undercooked meat
Dirty and raw vegetables and fruits
Feces of cats
In otherwise healthy people, the disease persists with flu-like signs or even remains asymptomatic altogether. However, in a woman, if she happens to develop toxoplasmosis for the first time ever during pregnancy, it results in various critical dangers like miscarriage, stillbirth, or even possible birth deformities which may go on to impact the offspring.

Do Cats Really Infect you with Toxoplasmosis?

While it is true that cats are the usual hosts of the parasite in question, the actual risk of transmission from a pet cat to a human is regarded as low. For there to be any risk, a cat needs not only to be infected with the parasite but also actively shedding it in the feces. Additionally, it needs to be noted that the parasite itself is not infectious until 24 hours have elapsed, and therefore the daily cleaning of the litter box can do much to eliminate the risk of exposure. On the other hand, there are other routes of potential infection, such as consuming undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables, which are more at risk than having household cats.


How to Remain Safe Without Having to Give Up Your Cat

Medical experts strongly advise that there is absolutely no necessity for pregnant women to even consider giving up their beloved pets. By adopting a few easy yet effective measures, safety can be ensured without going to the extreme of giving up the cat:
Someone else has to clean the litter box. If this is not possible, make sure that you wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterward.
Make sure that you take the trouble to avoid raw or undercooked meat.
Make sure that fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed before consumption.
When gardening, ensure that your gloves are on.
Keeping cats indoors is advised in order to prevent them from hunting, which might infect them.
By using these simple precautions, pregnant women can quite easily stay safe without resorting to extreme measures like abandoning their dearly beloved pets.

The Role of Unprofessional Journalism in Creating Panic

There are now more individuals who present themselves as journalists on social media, and they are creating unnecessary panic without bothering to verify important facts. Instead of getting facts from experts, these self-proclaimed journalists employ sensational headlines and emotional tales as a publicity-generating tool. This unprofessional approach misleads the public and generates panic that is unnecessary. For instance, some viral videos inaccurately claim that medical experts advise keeping cats out of homes during pregnancy. However, it needs to be noted that no reputable health organization endorses such sensational headlines.

Medical Experts Speak Out

Top health organizations, for example, recognized institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have gone ahead to state that the risk of toxoplasmosis can be effectively avoided by following simple hygiene practices.
Dr. Anjali Sharma, a gynecologist, asserts categorically:
There is no medical reason whatsoever for pregnant women to get rid of their cats from their households. The real risk of transmission of any disease from a pet cat is very low. These fake and sensationalized videos are inducing undue levels of stress and anxiety for pregnant women.'
A healthy well-cared-for cat does not pose any risk to a pregnant woman. The overall fear about this matter is largely driven by myths and misconceptions and not scientific facts.'

Education Over Fear

As much as the fact is that toxoplasmosis is a real health issue and must be taken seriously, the idea that all cats by nature carry a risk to pregnant women is largely an exaggeration. Recent social media trends have largely fueled unnecessary fears and anxieties, largely spreading information poorly supported by science. Pregnant women should rather make their decisions based on established and verifiable medical facts and not be influenced by fabricated viral content on the internet. By following good hygiene rules and guidelines provided by experts in the field, they can be sure of their safety while still being able to enjoy the companionship of their pets. As social media keeps on expanding and influencing public opinion, it is equally essential that good journalism pay attention to facts and not create fear among the public.


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