The oldies are generally weak and frail and they need our help and support in their old age and we should take due care of them and show respect to them so that they will not feel any isolation, but feel themselves as the important part and parcel of the family and society at large
Old age is not a curse but is full of experience and wisdom. All of us have to pass through the old age some day. They say old is gold and all of us especially the young people should respect ,revere and take care of the oldies so that they feel a sense of belonging in their old age and never find isolation ,but feel themselves a part and parcel of the family /household even at the fag end of the life .Oldies that may be our parents ,neighbors ,relatives and all senior citizens are the inseparable part of the society and they deserve our love ,respect and care and thus it is our moral ,religious and now legal duty and responsibility to respect the older people and to look after them affectionately in their old age and welcome their suggestions which can help in solving many worldly problems and issues .
The oldies are generally weak and frail and they need our help and support in their old age and we should take due care of them and show respect to them so that they will not feel any isolation, but feel themselves as the important part and parcel of the family and society at large .We should solicit solution of our problems from the senior citizens as they are better experienced and have seen many ups and downs in their life. There suggestions are very important for solving our day to day problems .So all of us should welcome their suggestions and put these to use in various walks of life.
Elders including our parents are the important part and parcel of our family and society and they play a pivotal role by giving timely suggestions to the family and young people and so they deserve to be treated well and deserve our love, respect and care. Oldies are not an unnecessary burden on our family and society. They have played their role and contribution in the bringing up our life and had contributed their might with their sweat and blood when they were young and in their old age,it is our responsibility to take due care of their needs and come to their help and rescue so that their blessings are ensured for our success in the life. The old people have a fund of knowledge, experience and this is very valuable to our family and society. So senior citizens should be respected and helped so that they spend their old day with ease. Old age is associated with weakness ,frailty and ailments related with aging and so we should try to lessen their difficulties in their old age so that they continue to provide their suggestions which help us to solve the problems and meet the future challenges of life.
Older people are not a burden, but are an asset for the society. You can respect elders and take care of them by spending some time with them. Many senior citizens become very lonely, especially if they have lost a partner during their lifetime and are now on their own and alone. We should engage them in talking and listen to their advice. So soliciting their advice is a good way to give the old people an impression that they matter much to their youngsters. Discuss family history with them. We should give them a call. We need to visit senior communities .We can show respect them by giving them a call. Also visit them if you can. Sometimes it can be difficult to relate to the generations that have come before us. Growing up in different circumstances can make us feel as if we have nothing in common with them. But older people have plenty of wisdom and knowledge to share with younger generations, and treating them with respect should be second nature for all of us. You can respect older people by the following three ways—1-Interacting with older people—A-Call people sir or ma’am. Even if you have grown up in a more casual environment where you usually call your friends parents by their first names, you should not assume that all older people are comfortable with that kind of normal title. Some elderly people may be more traditional ,and prefer that you call them Mr./Mrs. And so.
Always ask what name they prefer you call them .Use sir or ma’ma when you don’t feel comfortable asking. If they ask you to call them by name ,then respect their request and do so! Continuing calling them by something else would be disrespectful.-2—Offer your help-People can often lose strength ,balance ,and ability as they age, which can make some everyday activities that we take for granted more difficult. Providing even the smallest assistance may help make their day a little easier, and demonstrate your respect in a courteous, thoughtful manner.
A-It is always polite to hold the door or elevator open for the people behind you, but it can be especially helpful for older people with canes or walkers. B—When you are on public transportation ,such as the subway ,train, or bus ,consider offering your seat to an elderly person ,who might need to rest more than you. C--If you are at store, offer to reach for items on shelves that might be too high or low for an older person to reach. You might also offer to carry an elderly person’s bags to the car or unload their cart into the trunk.3—Be Patient A-Older people usually don’t move as quickly as they used to when they were younger ,which means it can take them longer to do even the simplest of tasks, such as crossing the streets. Be respectful by showing some patience when you encounter them instead of trying to hurry them along .B-If an elderly person is slow to get off the bus ,subway ,or elevator ,or just walking down the street ,don’t push past them. Let them take their time ,so they are comfortable and do not injure themselves. C-Do not huff and puff if an older person on line in front of you at a store takes a little longer to pay for their items.
Instead try to be understanding –you might even offer to help by lifting items out of the cart or bagging groceries.4 Don’t assume they have disabilities. A-While many elderly people do have health issues that require special assistance ,some of them don’t have these issues. Assuming that an older person has poor eyesight or hearing can be extremely condescending and make them feel self-conscious .If you are unsure whether an old person has a vision or hearing issue, just ask. Don’t be rude about it. Don’t ask outright ‘’Do you have hearing issues’’?Instead ,try a gentler approach ,such as, ’Am I speaking too softly’’? Take special care of the older family and friend’s .Visit them off and on .Show interest in their lives. Don’t try to take control of their lives. Utilizing their experience and value their opinions. Ask for advice. Also learn about their traditions. To conclude it is important to take due care of your parents and all elderly people and also show respect and love to them and earn their blessings they are a great asset and not a burden upon society and they are gold as it is well said’’old is gold.’’
Elders including our parents are the important part and parcel of our family and society and they play a pivotal role by giving timely suggestions to the family and young people and so they deserve to be treated well and deserve our love, respect and care. Oldies are not an unnecessary burden on our family and society. They have played their role and contribution in the bringing up our life and had contributed their might with their sweat and blood when they were young and in their old age,it is our responsibility to take due care of their needs and come to their help and rescue so that their blessings are ensured for our success in the life. The old people have a fund of knowledge, experience and this is very valuable to our family and society. So senior citizens should be respected and helped so that they spend their old day with ease.
The oldies are generally weak and frail and they need our help and support in their old age and we should take due care of them and show respect to them so that they will not feel any isolation, but feel themselves as the important part and parcel of the family and society at large
Old age is not a curse but is full of experience and wisdom. All of us have to pass through the old age some day. They say old is gold and all of us especially the young people should respect ,revere and take care of the oldies so that they feel a sense of belonging in their old age and never find isolation ,but feel themselves a part and parcel of the family /household even at the fag end of the life .Oldies that may be our parents ,neighbors ,relatives and all senior citizens are the inseparable part of the society and they deserve our love ,respect and care and thus it is our moral ,religious and now legal duty and responsibility to respect the older people and to look after them affectionately in their old age and welcome their suggestions which can help in solving many worldly problems and issues .
The oldies are generally weak and frail and they need our help and support in their old age and we should take due care of them and show respect to them so that they will not feel any isolation, but feel themselves as the important part and parcel of the family and society at large .We should solicit solution of our problems from the senior citizens as they are better experienced and have seen many ups and downs in their life. There suggestions are very important for solving our day to day problems .So all of us should welcome their suggestions and put these to use in various walks of life.
Elders including our parents are the important part and parcel of our family and society and they play a pivotal role by giving timely suggestions to the family and young people and so they deserve to be treated well and deserve our love, respect and care. Oldies are not an unnecessary burden on our family and society. They have played their role and contribution in the bringing up our life and had contributed their might with their sweat and blood when they were young and in their old age,it is our responsibility to take due care of their needs and come to their help and rescue so that their blessings are ensured for our success in the life. The old people have a fund of knowledge, experience and this is very valuable to our family and society. So senior citizens should be respected and helped so that they spend their old day with ease. Old age is associated with weakness ,frailty and ailments related with aging and so we should try to lessen their difficulties in their old age so that they continue to provide their suggestions which help us to solve the problems and meet the future challenges of life.
Older people are not a burden, but are an asset for the society. You can respect elders and take care of them by spending some time with them. Many senior citizens become very lonely, especially if they have lost a partner during their lifetime and are now on their own and alone. We should engage them in talking and listen to their advice. So soliciting their advice is a good way to give the old people an impression that they matter much to their youngsters. Discuss family history with them. We should give them a call. We need to visit senior communities .We can show respect them by giving them a call. Also visit them if you can. Sometimes it can be difficult to relate to the generations that have come before us. Growing up in different circumstances can make us feel as if we have nothing in common with them. But older people have plenty of wisdom and knowledge to share with younger generations, and treating them with respect should be second nature for all of us. You can respect older people by the following three ways—1-Interacting with older people—A-Call people sir or ma’am. Even if you have grown up in a more casual environment where you usually call your friends parents by their first names, you should not assume that all older people are comfortable with that kind of normal title. Some elderly people may be more traditional ,and prefer that you call them Mr./Mrs. And so.
Always ask what name they prefer you call them .Use sir or ma’ma when you don’t feel comfortable asking. If they ask you to call them by name ,then respect their request and do so! Continuing calling them by something else would be disrespectful.-2—Offer your help-People can often lose strength ,balance ,and ability as they age, which can make some everyday activities that we take for granted more difficult. Providing even the smallest assistance may help make their day a little easier, and demonstrate your respect in a courteous, thoughtful manner.
A-It is always polite to hold the door or elevator open for the people behind you, but it can be especially helpful for older people with canes or walkers. B—When you are on public transportation ,such as the subway ,train, or bus ,consider offering your seat to an elderly person ,who might need to rest more than you. C--If you are at store, offer to reach for items on shelves that might be too high or low for an older person to reach. You might also offer to carry an elderly person’s bags to the car or unload their cart into the trunk.3—Be Patient A-Older people usually don’t move as quickly as they used to when they were younger ,which means it can take them longer to do even the simplest of tasks, such as crossing the streets. Be respectful by showing some patience when you encounter them instead of trying to hurry them along .B-If an elderly person is slow to get off the bus ,subway ,or elevator ,or just walking down the street ,don’t push past them. Let them take their time ,so they are comfortable and do not injure themselves. C-Do not huff and puff if an older person on line in front of you at a store takes a little longer to pay for their items.
Instead try to be understanding –you might even offer to help by lifting items out of the cart or bagging groceries.4 Don’t assume they have disabilities. A-While many elderly people do have health issues that require special assistance ,some of them don’t have these issues. Assuming that an older person has poor eyesight or hearing can be extremely condescending and make them feel self-conscious .If you are unsure whether an old person has a vision or hearing issue, just ask. Don’t be rude about it. Don’t ask outright ‘’Do you have hearing issues’’?Instead ,try a gentler approach ,such as, ’Am I speaking too softly’’? Take special care of the older family and friend’s .Visit them off and on .Show interest in their lives. Don’t try to take control of their lives. Utilizing their experience and value their opinions. Ask for advice. Also learn about their traditions. To conclude it is important to take due care of your parents and all elderly people and also show respect and love to them and earn their blessings they are a great asset and not a burden upon society and they are gold as it is well said’’old is gold.’’
Elders including our parents are the important part and parcel of our family and society and they play a pivotal role by giving timely suggestions to the family and young people and so they deserve to be treated well and deserve our love, respect and care. Oldies are not an unnecessary burden on our family and society. They have played their role and contribution in the bringing up our life and had contributed their might with their sweat and blood when they were young and in their old age,it is our responsibility to take due care of their needs and come to their help and rescue so that their blessings are ensured for our success in the life. The old people have a fund of knowledge, experience and this is very valuable to our family and society. So senior citizens should be respected and helped so that they spend their old day with ease.
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