The pioneer of ongoing Balochistan Freedom movement and president of Free Balochistan Movement*Hyrbyair Marri* in his latest statement posted on on social media platform X said that "President #Trump thanking Pakistan for handing over Mohammed Sharifullah, the #ISIS member who organised the carnage on Abbey Gate in Kabul Airport, but the Americans fail to learn their lesson; The Pakistani state and military doctrine is to create more extremists and use them against The West."
"For every member of ISIS they "trade" and sell, #Pakistan turns to ISIS and says - Don't worry, boys. We'll milk the Americans, get hundreds of millions of dollars in return, we'll give you your share, then you can recruit tens of thousands of young men, and you'll get your day to bleed #America."
Exposing Pakistan army and ISI's terror policies and terror factories Mr.Marri said that
"The bigger bogeyman is Pakistan and its army because they create these extremist outfits who they train, equip and assign their targets."
Questioning the Trump administration regarding Pakistan's use of terrorism as a blackmailing card , bargaining chip of ISI, the President of FBM said that
"How many times does America need to be deceived for them to understand that Pakistan is neither a friend nor an ally?"
The pioneer of ongoing Balochistan Freedom movement and president of Free Balochistan Movement*Hyrbyair Marri* in his latest statement posted on on social media platform X said that "President #Trump thanking Pakistan for handing over Mohammed Sharifullah, the #ISIS member who organised the carnage on Abbey Gate in Kabul Airport, but the Americans fail to learn their lesson; The Pakistani state and military doctrine is to create more extremists and use them against The West."
"For every member of ISIS they "trade" and sell, #Pakistan turns to ISIS and says - Don't worry, boys. We'll milk the Americans, get hundreds of millions of dollars in return, we'll give you your share, then you can recruit tens of thousands of young men, and you'll get your day to bleed #America."
Exposing Pakistan army and ISI's terror policies and terror factories Mr.Marri said that
"The bigger bogeyman is Pakistan and its army because they create these extremist outfits who they train, equip and assign their targets."
Questioning the Trump administration regarding Pakistan's use of terrorism as a blackmailing card , bargaining chip of ISI, the President of FBM said that
"How many times does America need to be deceived for them to understand that Pakistan is neither a friend nor an ally?"
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