The six days training programme on ‘Mushroom Cultivation on scientific lines’ for the students of Islamia College Srinagar, concluded at Integrated Mushroom Development Centre (IMDC) Lalmandi Srinagar.
Addressing the trainee students, Joint Director Agriculture highlighted the importance of small scale Agri Cottage Industries like Mushroom Cultivation. He said that it is an indoor agriculture activity and students would enjoy doing it. He said that on one hand it promotes the entrepreneurial culture among the youth and on the other hand it contributes to the overall income of the concerned farming family.
He asked the students to practice the modern technologies they learnt during the training sessions
Jt. Director underlined the importance of introducing agriculture activities among students and said that in the long run this would contribute to the socio-economic transformation of the region. He said teaching practical agriculture to the students was a routine practice during the past in Kashmir.
Earlier the experts from IMDC imparted training to the visiting students about compost making procedures, spawn production, tissue culture and other mushroom cultivation technologies.
Later, Jt. Director Agriculture kick-started the distribution of compost bags among the progressive mushroom growers.
The six days training programme on ‘Mushroom Cultivation on scientific lines’ for the students of Islamia College Srinagar, concluded at Integrated Mushroom Development Centre (IMDC) Lalmandi Srinagar.
Addressing the trainee students, Joint Director Agriculture highlighted the importance of small scale Agri Cottage Industries like Mushroom Cultivation. He said that it is an indoor agriculture activity and students would enjoy doing it. He said that on one hand it promotes the entrepreneurial culture among the youth and on the other hand it contributes to the overall income of the concerned farming family.
He asked the students to practice the modern technologies they learnt during the training sessions
Jt. Director underlined the importance of introducing agriculture activities among students and said that in the long run this would contribute to the socio-economic transformation of the region. He said teaching practical agriculture to the students was a routine practice during the past in Kashmir.
Earlier the experts from IMDC imparted training to the visiting students about compost making procedures, spawn production, tissue culture and other mushroom cultivation technologies.
Later, Jt. Director Agriculture kick-started the distribution of compost bags among the progressive mushroom growers.
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