03-11-2025     3 رجب 1440

J&K government to train Finance & Planning Cadres Officers at IIM Jammu

September 09, 2024 | BK News Service

Jammu and Kashmir Government has initiated a major drive for capacity building of 400 officers of Finance and Planning (F&P) cadres with an intention to upskill them in Fiscal Management, Budget Supervision, Taxation, Innovative Revenue Generation, Debt Management, Infrastructure Development, Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects, Project appraisal and other related aspects of fiscal administration.

The Government has roped into partnership with Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Jammu for this purpose and IIM Jammu has developed training modules for the same purpose.

The aim of this unique programme is to to upskill the officers of Finance and Planning cadre in improving financial resources from tax and non-tax avenues, encouraging private investments and appraising risks and costs in projects. The first batch of 50 officers each from Finance Department and Planning Department shall undergo the non-residential training at IIM Jammu from 11th to 13th September 2024.

During the three days’ training programme, the officers are expected to be trained in project appraisal techniques, enhanced expenditure control, raising resources from financial institutions and better fiscal supervision. Both the departments have shortlisted various officers for this intensive training programme.

The partnership with IIM Jammu will help the departments enhance expertise and skills of officers in governance and management of finances. Earlier as such partnership was not available, the departments had to depute officers to far-off institutions for training purposes.

Through this partnership, the UT government aims to design and implement PPP projects, develop new Tourist destinations in J&K, initiate measures for creation of sustainable jobs, devise strategies for regulation of user fees, develop policies for self-sustenance of PSUs, Universities and design innovative measures for development of Agro and Horticultural industry.





J&K government to train Finance & Planning Cadres Officers at IIM Jammu

September 09, 2024 | BK News Service

Jammu and Kashmir Government has initiated a major drive for capacity building of 400 officers of Finance and Planning (F&P) cadres with an intention to upskill them in Fiscal Management, Budget Supervision, Taxation, Innovative Revenue Generation, Debt Management, Infrastructure Development, Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects, Project appraisal and other related aspects of fiscal administration.

The Government has roped into partnership with Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Jammu for this purpose and IIM Jammu has developed training modules for the same purpose.

The aim of this unique programme is to to upskill the officers of Finance and Planning cadre in improving financial resources from tax and non-tax avenues, encouraging private investments and appraising risks and costs in projects. The first batch of 50 officers each from Finance Department and Planning Department shall undergo the non-residential training at IIM Jammu from 11th to 13th September 2024.

During the three days’ training programme, the officers are expected to be trained in project appraisal techniques, enhanced expenditure control, raising resources from financial institutions and better fiscal supervision. Both the departments have shortlisted various officers for this intensive training programme.

The partnership with IIM Jammu will help the departments enhance expertise and skills of officers in governance and management of finances. Earlier as such partnership was not available, the departments had to depute officers to far-off institutions for training purposes.

Through this partnership, the UT government aims to design and implement PPP projects, develop new Tourist destinations in J&K, initiate measures for creation of sustainable jobs, devise strategies for regulation of user fees, develop policies for self-sustenance of PSUs, Universities and design innovative measures for development of Agro and Horticultural industry.

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