The J&K Judicial Academy in collaboration with e-Committee, Supreme Court of India, today organized one fay refresher programme for the Court staff and N-step Training (ECT_6_2024 & ECT_8_2024) for administrative heads, Court Managers, Nazarat, Record Keepers, Process Servers from the Subordinate Courts of Jammu Province at J&K Judicial Academy, Janipur, Jammu.
The first technical session was chaired by Anoop Sharma, Registrar Computer (IT), High Court of J&K and Ladakh, who gave an introduction to e-Courts Project via PowerPoint Presentation. He educated them about the digital e-initiatives and management tools under e-Courts Project. He discussed the Case Information System (CIS) and National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG). He also highlighted the advantages of display boards and their usage in daily court proceedings. He added that NSTEP (National Service and Tracking of Electronic Processes) has been launched for technology enabled process serving and issuing of summons.
The learned resource person delved upon the importance of e-filing, e-Courts services Portal and Process of e-filing. He stated that e-filing allows to submit court documents electronically, which saves time and paper.
Rajeev Gupta, Senior System Officer, Jammu and Anupam Wangoo, System Officer, Reasi, jointly conducted the second technical session.
They provided a practical demonstration on CIS, NSTEP, ICJS and various submodules of CIS, highlighting their applications in court operations. Additionally, they explained the use of email in court proceedings, including how to send documents and summons electronically.
The session concluded with an interactive question and answer segment, where the participants discussed CIS and other related modules.
The third technical session of the day was jointly conducted by Govind Ram Sharma (Retd. CAO) and Anil Tripathi (Project Manager, Datasoft).
They emphasized that the digitization of case records is a vital step in modernizing judicial processes, enhancing record management efficiency, enabling quick retrieval and ensuring long-term preservation. They outlined the key steps involved in the process including preparation, scanning, indexing and secure storage, highlighting their significance in streamlining the court operations.
The Resource Person explored that in the process of case file digitization, documents are categorized into Nathi "A" and Nathi "B" to ensure systematic organization and retrieval.
Nathi "A" contain critical documents that are essential for case proceedings and typically include orders, judgments, evidence, witness statements and other key records. Besides, Nathi "B" comprises of supporting documents such as internal notes, administrative correspondence and other supplementary materials.
All the sessions were interactive during which the participants actively participated and shared their experiences and discussed various aspects of the subject topics. They also raised a number of queries which were answered satisfactorily by the resource persons.
The J&K Judicial Academy in collaboration with e-Committee, Supreme Court of India, today organized one fay refresher programme for the Court staff and N-step Training (ECT_6_2024 & ECT_8_2024) for administrative heads, Court Managers, Nazarat, Record Keepers, Process Servers from the Subordinate Courts of Jammu Province at J&K Judicial Academy, Janipur, Jammu.
The first technical session was chaired by Anoop Sharma, Registrar Computer (IT), High Court of J&K and Ladakh, who gave an introduction to e-Courts Project via PowerPoint Presentation. He educated them about the digital e-initiatives and management tools under e-Courts Project. He discussed the Case Information System (CIS) and National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG). He also highlighted the advantages of display boards and their usage in daily court proceedings. He added that NSTEP (National Service and Tracking of Electronic Processes) has been launched for technology enabled process serving and issuing of summons.
The learned resource person delved upon the importance of e-filing, e-Courts services Portal and Process of e-filing. He stated that e-filing allows to submit court documents electronically, which saves time and paper.
Rajeev Gupta, Senior System Officer, Jammu and Anupam Wangoo, System Officer, Reasi, jointly conducted the second technical session.
They provided a practical demonstration on CIS, NSTEP, ICJS and various submodules of CIS, highlighting their applications in court operations. Additionally, they explained the use of email in court proceedings, including how to send documents and summons electronically.
The session concluded with an interactive question and answer segment, where the participants discussed CIS and other related modules.
The third technical session of the day was jointly conducted by Govind Ram Sharma (Retd. CAO) and Anil Tripathi (Project Manager, Datasoft).
They emphasized that the digitization of case records is a vital step in modernizing judicial processes, enhancing record management efficiency, enabling quick retrieval and ensuring long-term preservation. They outlined the key steps involved in the process including preparation, scanning, indexing and secure storage, highlighting their significance in streamlining the court operations.
The Resource Person explored that in the process of case file digitization, documents are categorized into Nathi "A" and Nathi "B" to ensure systematic organization and retrieval.
Nathi "A" contain critical documents that are essential for case proceedings and typically include orders, judgments, evidence, witness statements and other key records. Besides, Nathi "B" comprises of supporting documents such as internal notes, administrative correspondence and other supplementary materials.
All the sessions were interactive during which the participants actively participated and shared their experiences and discussed various aspects of the subject topics. They also raised a number of queries which were answered satisfactorily by the resource persons.
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