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Feminism and Gender Discrimination

July 24, 2019 | Mir Binsha Qadir

Modern feminism is messed up and before armchair activist start targeting me, this is coming from a fellow female.
Call it whatever you want — empowerment, gender equality, equal opportunities — it doesn’t change the fact that a large number of the female population use the term as an excuse to be a self entitled, victim of everyone and everything.
No, this is not a pro-life, anti-abortion kind of piece — that is another issue entirely. Nor am I writing against real rape victims who have decided to speak up, or the struggles of females in hardship through social, economical and geographical discrimination.
I’m talking about every woman in ‘hardship’ kind of personalities who think its alright to put down the opposite gender.
Feminism first started in the 19th century and focused primarily on the legal inequalities that exists purely based on gender such as voting rights. The suffrage movements were more than just a protest and demand for change, it was also a push towards an alternative view point in a system that had ingrained and established gender roles.
We inherited the idea of a “woman’s place” from a much older social system that worked in the pre-industrial and pre-technological age. Physical strength and gender specific qualities aided its construction and perpetuation in societies around the world.
As we move into a space where everything is to be genderless and colorless, matriarchal dominance as an alternative to the current weakening patriarch system is not the solution. Female empowerment through the put down of our male counterparts fails to capture the spirit of what the "original feminists" stood for — equality in an extremely unbalanced world. Disempowering another gender in order to empower your own does not create equality but rather enforces and creates a new kind of inequality.
And that’s where current, self proclaimed “feminists” annoy me.
I’m talking about those “feminists” that use the term feminism and identify themselves as “feminists” to justify their unruly behavior towards others, especially men.
I’m talking about the new trend to publicly humiliate men on social media for their private conversations. Yelling, hitting, assaulting a man by a woman does not hold the same reaction or weight if it was the other way around. Rather, it is celebrated when a woman exerts violence while condemned if its the other way around. It’s double standard.
Feminism used to stand for equality but it has now morphed into a mainstream method employed by females to put down, ridicule and ignore men. The general argument by “feminists” for this is that “it’s their turn”.
And that’s where we go wrong.
Gender discrimination can go both ways. Men are often undesired in traditionally female dominated industries such as childcare. To call for more women in parliament, CEOs, developers, marketers, lawyers and every possible profession under the sun is very 80s. While females do have the capacity and aides nowadays to do the same jobs as men, the lack of females that choose to go into these professions themselves is not at the fault of men. We do not have that excuse anymore. To have the choice and choosing not to do it is true freedom.
And that’s what I think feminism is all about — equality through choices and chances. It is un-gendered and completely up to the individual which path they wish to pursue.
If I was a man writing this piece, the “feminists” out there would probably flip a table and hurl gendered insults at their manhood. But because I am one of their own, part of their gender and unspoken supposedly united girl power sisterhood, the most I’ll probably get is some mild abuse laced with excuses or just get completely ignored.





Feminism and Gender Discrimination

July 24, 2019 | Mir Binsha Qadir

Modern feminism is messed up and before armchair activist start targeting me, this is coming from a fellow female.
Call it whatever you want — empowerment, gender equality, equal opportunities — it doesn’t change the fact that a large number of the female population use the term as an excuse to be a self entitled, victim of everyone and everything.
No, this is not a pro-life, anti-abortion kind of piece — that is another issue entirely. Nor am I writing against real rape victims who have decided to speak up, or the struggles of females in hardship through social, economical and geographical discrimination.
I’m talking about every woman in ‘hardship’ kind of personalities who think its alright to put down the opposite gender.
Feminism first started in the 19th century and focused primarily on the legal inequalities that exists purely based on gender such as voting rights. The suffrage movements were more than just a protest and demand for change, it was also a push towards an alternative view point in a system that had ingrained and established gender roles.
We inherited the idea of a “woman’s place” from a much older social system that worked in the pre-industrial and pre-technological age. Physical strength and gender specific qualities aided its construction and perpetuation in societies around the world.
As we move into a space where everything is to be genderless and colorless, matriarchal dominance as an alternative to the current weakening patriarch system is not the solution. Female empowerment through the put down of our male counterparts fails to capture the spirit of what the "original feminists" stood for — equality in an extremely unbalanced world. Disempowering another gender in order to empower your own does not create equality but rather enforces and creates a new kind of inequality.
And that’s where current, self proclaimed “feminists” annoy me.
I’m talking about those “feminists” that use the term feminism and identify themselves as “feminists” to justify their unruly behavior towards others, especially men.
I’m talking about the new trend to publicly humiliate men on social media for their private conversations. Yelling, hitting, assaulting a man by a woman does not hold the same reaction or weight if it was the other way around. Rather, it is celebrated when a woman exerts violence while condemned if its the other way around. It’s double standard.
Feminism used to stand for equality but it has now morphed into a mainstream method employed by females to put down, ridicule and ignore men. The general argument by “feminists” for this is that “it’s their turn”.
And that’s where we go wrong.
Gender discrimination can go both ways. Men are often undesired in traditionally female dominated industries such as childcare. To call for more women in parliament, CEOs, developers, marketers, lawyers and every possible profession under the sun is very 80s. While females do have the capacity and aides nowadays to do the same jobs as men, the lack of females that choose to go into these professions themselves is not at the fault of men. We do not have that excuse anymore. To have the choice and choosing not to do it is true freedom.
And that’s what I think feminism is all about — equality through choices and chances. It is un-gendered and completely up to the individual which path they wish to pursue.
If I was a man writing this piece, the “feminists” out there would probably flip a table and hurl gendered insults at their manhood. But because I am one of their own, part of their gender and unspoken supposedly united girl power sisterhood, the most I’ll probably get is some mild abuse laced with excuses or just get completely ignored.

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