Students of age group (08-25) who used to be most avid readers, now have become addicts to social media sites and online gaming
Before few decades, if we were to examine the activities in which people were engaged, the results would have been quite positive as well as inspirational. We would have been able to see people engaged in studies, physical and other lucrative activities.
But in present the exact opposite is happening. Students of age group (08 - 25) who used to be most avid readers, now have become addicts to social media sites and online gaming. Study rooms are now converted into the hubs of social media and gaming consoles. If we have a keen look around us we will sourly digest the activities of men. People are so much engaged in social media sites and online games that children’s don’t have time for parents and parents don’t have time for their children thus ruining the family relationships and starts creating vibes of depression waves whirling around the society and finally hit the advanced minds.
Reports suggest that if screen timing for more than a month exceeds 2 hours a day it may lead to mental disorder. I.C.D ( international classification of diseases) prepared a disease list and in that video gaming is considered as a mental disorder.
In comparison to this, study has revealed that children’s spent about 6 hours on screen whether social media or video gaming. Even a great number among them can’t live without computer or a smart phone. Accordingly we can understand on which track we are standing and where we are heading to. In India alone, more than two crore people are addicted to online gaming and the number may have a rapid increase in upcoming time.
It has been seen that people who are sad and unhappy have a growing tendency to involve themselves in those activities which are dangerous and detrimental to the petals or base of the society. There can be many causes of depression. But what about it’s healing? How to come out of it’s shackles? The best way to help oneself is to have a proper thought. We know what makes us happy when we are in distress. It is known to us what we have to do to turn our sadness into felicity. It is just an inevitable reality that by keeping ourselves busy in any kind of work deviates our mind from pain creating thoughts. What may help you to stay away from the gloomy ambience of mind? I think one of the appreciable skills is to be a good reader and it will help us to the end . But, unfortunately, majority of them love to take smart phones to bed instead of a book. Problems related to academic life may become it’s cause and professional life is another one. Married ones don’t even talk to their partners thus creating a barrier in their relationship. Screen during bed time destroys the sleeping cycle, which may lead to diabetes, cancer, Restlessness. They become prone to depression as it then becomes a physiological need.
American academy of pediatrics suggests that :-
Until 18 months of age restrict screen timing as much as possible to 0( zero )
From 18 months to six years of age limit it upto one hour.
Above 6 years indulge yourself in healthy habits and limit activities that indulge screens. The screen timing of the said age group should never exceed more than 2 hours.
Turn off all screens during family meals or outings.
Completely avoid screening before 30- 60 minutes of bed time.
We just need to rethink, where we are heading to and what should be expected if the said addiction prevails. We have to save our precious time as our prophet Mohammad ( SAW ) said
“Take the benefit of free time before you get busy”
Famous scholar Ibn Qayem (R A) once said “ wasting time is more dangerous than death because death seperates from the world, but wasting time separates from GOD”.
Have an in-depth look in such a divesting matter so that we prosper better in times to come.
Students of age group (08-25) who used to be most avid readers, now have become addicts to social media sites and online gaming
Before few decades, if we were to examine the activities in which people were engaged, the results would have been quite positive as well as inspirational. We would have been able to see people engaged in studies, physical and other lucrative activities.
But in present the exact opposite is happening. Students of age group (08 - 25) who used to be most avid readers, now have become addicts to social media sites and online gaming. Study rooms are now converted into the hubs of social media and gaming consoles. If we have a keen look around us we will sourly digest the activities of men. People are so much engaged in social media sites and online games that children’s don’t have time for parents and parents don’t have time for their children thus ruining the family relationships and starts creating vibes of depression waves whirling around the society and finally hit the advanced minds.
Reports suggest that if screen timing for more than a month exceeds 2 hours a day it may lead to mental disorder. I.C.D ( international classification of diseases) prepared a disease list and in that video gaming is considered as a mental disorder.
In comparison to this, study has revealed that children’s spent about 6 hours on screen whether social media or video gaming. Even a great number among them can’t live without computer or a smart phone. Accordingly we can understand on which track we are standing and where we are heading to. In India alone, more than two crore people are addicted to online gaming and the number may have a rapid increase in upcoming time.
It has been seen that people who are sad and unhappy have a growing tendency to involve themselves in those activities which are dangerous and detrimental to the petals or base of the society. There can be many causes of depression. But what about it’s healing? How to come out of it’s shackles? The best way to help oneself is to have a proper thought. We know what makes us happy when we are in distress. It is known to us what we have to do to turn our sadness into felicity. It is just an inevitable reality that by keeping ourselves busy in any kind of work deviates our mind from pain creating thoughts. What may help you to stay away from the gloomy ambience of mind? I think one of the appreciable skills is to be a good reader and it will help us to the end . But, unfortunately, majority of them love to take smart phones to bed instead of a book. Problems related to academic life may become it’s cause and professional life is another one. Married ones don’t even talk to their partners thus creating a barrier in their relationship. Screen during bed time destroys the sleeping cycle, which may lead to diabetes, cancer, Restlessness. They become prone to depression as it then becomes a physiological need.
American academy of pediatrics suggests that :-
Until 18 months of age restrict screen timing as much as possible to 0( zero )
From 18 months to six years of age limit it upto one hour.
Above 6 years indulge yourself in healthy habits and limit activities that indulge screens. The screen timing of the said age group should never exceed more than 2 hours.
Turn off all screens during family meals or outings.
Completely avoid screening before 30- 60 minutes of bed time.
We just need to rethink, where we are heading to and what should be expected if the said addiction prevails. We have to save our precious time as our prophet Mohammad ( SAW ) said
“Take the benefit of free time before you get busy”
Famous scholar Ibn Qayem (R A) once said “ wasting time is more dangerous than death because death seperates from the world, but wasting time separates from GOD”.
Have an in-depth look in such a divesting matter so that we prosper better in times to come.
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