The Sheep Husbandry Department, Baramulla organised a Training cum demonstration programme under the State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms (ATMA) component of centrally sponsored scheme " Sub Mission on Agriculture Extension (SAME) at Pattan.
The training was held at a newly established Breed based Farm of Hilal Ahmad Yatoo, resident of Chanderhama Pattan established under HADP.
Around 35 sheep farmer's, aspiring entrepreneurs & unemployed youth participated in the training camp who were apprised about the importance and utility of commercial and breed based farms and the assistance provided by the department under HADP for their establishment.
The information was disseminated regarding housing, management, vaccination and deworming of livestock.
The training programme highlighted the importance of feeding/balanced ration for small ruminants and the participants visualized the practical demonstration of a total mixed ration unit.
At the end refreshment was given to the participants at the assigned venue and the enthusiastic farmers appreciated and thanked the department for organizing such programs.
The Sheep Husbandry Department, Baramulla organised a Training cum demonstration programme under the State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms (ATMA) component of centrally sponsored scheme " Sub Mission on Agriculture Extension (SAME) at Pattan.
The training was held at a newly established Breed based Farm of Hilal Ahmad Yatoo, resident of Chanderhama Pattan established under HADP.
Around 35 sheep farmer's, aspiring entrepreneurs & unemployed youth participated in the training camp who were apprised about the importance and utility of commercial and breed based farms and the assistance provided by the department under HADP for their establishment.
The information was disseminated regarding housing, management, vaccination and deworming of livestock.
The training programme highlighted the importance of feeding/balanced ration for small ruminants and the participants visualized the practical demonstration of a total mixed ration unit.
At the end refreshment was given to the participants at the assigned venue and the enthusiastic farmers appreciated and thanked the department for organizing such programs.
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