02-05-2025     3 رجب 1440

Tale of Two Cities- Digital Intrusion and Flagging Momentum

February 19, 2024 | Hammid Ahmad Wani

Present article is neither an extract nor an illustration of the Charles Dickinson’s novel.It is tale of two cities of J&K i.e. Srinagar and Jammu which historically and physically co-existed in separate and diverse provinces with an identical goalmouth in the affairs of the State. However, the episodic journey of two cities had been no less than a very eventful historical melodrama in its own way. A Tale of Two Cities written by Charles Dickens is a boundless historical novel against backdrop of the vehement upheaval of the French Revolution between 1775 and 1792. It is one of the famous and perhaps the most popular of his books. Some of the enduring leitmotifs in the novel “ATale of Two Cities” include self-sacrifice, love, resurrection, imprisonment, injustice, social anarchy, death, and renunciation that fosters renewal. These are enriched motifs which compress an event of immense complexity to the scale of a family history, with a cast of characters that includes a bloodthirsty ogress and an antihero as believably flawed as any in modern fiction. The novel is generally not considered as a romance but do have some indelible romantic aspects to it. The Story of the Srinagar and Jammu cities is in no way less entrancing and riveting considering their contented political conjugality and power confederacy, infusing and assimilating the two diverse and distantly situated cities linguistically, culturally and economically, portrayal of breaking the barriers of distance by permeating a proximity stronger than geographical connect. Seemingly both the cities had created a niche in the socio-economic life, making them epicenter of power bylending apronounced centrality through esoteric realities in the political and urban landscape of J&K.

Historical Context of Shifting Capital

The tale of two cities actually began with Darbar move which started during the time of Maharaja Ranbir Singh in 1872. The practice continued even after 1952 by State Government of Jammu and Kashmir, as it acted as a strong conglomerated adhesion for interaction between the linguistically diverse cultural groups of Jammu and Kashmir.Srinagar generally during winters ,turned out to be geographically challenging, owing to the frequent closure and blockades of National Highways due to landslides as consequence Darbar used to move to Jammu. Similarly scorching summers of Jammu compell edit to move to the salubrity and serenity of Srinagar. As a consequence, every year the capital used to be shifted to Jammu for ensuring uninterrupted and smooth trade, business, governance and administration.In such a perspective twin cities of J&K, Srinagar and Jammu became pivotal centers for concentration infra, economic decisions, amenities and services and dominated the urban scene especially since the year1947. Historical references indicate that the practice of interchanging Darbars or seat of power was prevalent earlier also. During 1325-1350 Mohammad bin Tughlaq kept shuttling his seat of power between Delhi and Daulatabad. During the Sultan period this approach was aptly adopted keeping in view the strategic value and safety, it was attached. An analogous practice was embraced by the Mughals under the rule of Emperor Jahangir who temporarily kept on shifting the capital to Kashmir during the harsh summer months from Indian heartland. The Britishers also used the similar practice of moving capitals to the hills of Shimla in summers and favored to govern from Calcutta during winter.

Transformation as Thriving Growth Centers

Over the period of time these two cities have been growing parallel and analogous to each other, courtesy both had the capital city status with greater urban primacy index in their respective regions. Two cities showed enduring stimulus to growth and development and acted in an extricable manner ascenters of economic momentum, shaping growth and development in whole of J&K. Since Srinagar and Jammu cities have been acting as engines of growth which was a prime reason for accelerated urbanization, dissemination of technological spill over and boosting of economic growth in respective regions. In the process political, economic, physical and social interaction, communication and integration between the two regions and the capitals strengthened serving as an assimilating element, for infusing and stimulating development process. These economic forces and embracing factors were also wedged by externalities of policy interventions to strengthen the two cities as engines of growth. These functioned with a connubial knot and minimized the geographical distances by shifting epicenter of power on seasonal basis, considering the extremities of climate in each region. The shift though a cumbersome process had become an established hymeneal affair and a routine for the governance of the State. With each move, heart and soul used to move to the functional capital imbuing momentum to growth and expansion respectively in twin capital cities. Impactful State policy decisions as externalities were also playing intractably a significant role in shaping the form and growth in these two cities. It is pertinent to keep in mind that these virtually existed and functioned as living entities whose growth and expansion amply determined the trends of urbanization urban policy decisions. Apparently cities seem to function on various facets but intrinsically these act, pursue, and work with host of activities outside the perceptible outlines and streaks. A gamut of activities seemingly unrelated to each other, operate as innately as a viable part of the urban economic eco-system. As such forces operating within each urban system especially in large and capital cities, are very complex and interlinked. Therefore, two cities which are though distance apart outwardly, had a robust connect which was beyond the realms of places of work and living, manifesting a larger urban phenomenon, each intertwined very adroitly making the whole apex urban system very complex, dominating, integrative and responsive to the inevitabilities of the citizens. The changes and interferences from the helm hardly mattered in the given milieu but these obliged the people efficiently over the years, accomplishing the political and governance aspirations. Intervention in any form, may be a policy decision, a development project, or change in legal or legislative framework hardly exhibited any far reaching influence on the function of the cities. Similarly, cities as urban entities responded to the forces of decision, adjusted and shaped to the emerging perspective, though may or may not have augured well to the cognition of citizen and city administration.

Abandoning the Tradition

The J&K high court urged decision-makers to review the 148-year-old practice of shifting Darbar considering the finances incurred by the fiscally starved Union Territory. The Jammu and Kashmir high court delivered the judgement on the continuity of the 148 year Darbar Move tradition in which the capital of the State is repositioned twice a year — from Srinagar to Jammu during winter months and vice versa in the summer season. The bench observed and remarked that there are no reasons impending in terms of administrative efficiency, legal justification or constitutional norms for shifting capital. The High Court urged upon the decision-makers, including the Centre, and directed them to look into the requirements of persistence of 148-year old half yearly Darbar move. Each year the move cost about Rs 200 crore for moving more than 10000 employees with incentives, travel allowances, temporary allowance, and move allowances amounting on an average about Rs 75000 per employee. All this provides an insight into the immensity of expenditures expended by the public exchequer every year. Earlier also a committee was constituted for this purpose which suggested measures to reform this practice of move in vogue. The committee submitted its recommendations and certain measures to substitute this age-old practice, unfortunately could not be implemented as a section expressed that the move has regional bias and as such was shelved. An attempt in this direction was also made when Omar Abdullah was Chief Minister this effort also went in vane as it was perceived with distrust across the State.
Meanwhile, Darbar move tradition was considered redundant soon after the abrogation of Article 370 and reorganization of the State into a Union Territory. This was greatly facilitated by the adoption digital communication and its use for governance and delivery of service even though it was in transitional and formative stages.The decision was also vindicated for reason of improved means of transport including road, rail, and air traffic. The introduction and adoption of digital communication, made the abandoning of Darbar move a hard headed and rational option keeping in view the aspirations of the people of two divisions and the governance needs of the provinces of the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir. The earlier imposed geographical disconnect due rugged topography and terrain might have constrained shifting of seat of power but now physical barriers have become irrelevant in the presence of modern means of transport and digital communication. It also needs to be acknowledge that since the State was reorganized and resized recently as such could be managed and governed through functionally digital capitals or permanently stationed digital capitals instead of moving capital. Government rightly claimed that advancement of technology has transformed the concept of physical distance and has rendered the method of transporting of records along with men and machinery involving enormous expenditures as injudicious and regressive practice. The digitization of all records has already been undertaken to a great extent and has been more less accomplished in Civil Secretariat and some of the office of the Head of the departments in the field, making the practice of transporting records, men and machinery pointless. The Hon’ble High Court in a landmark decision also suggested a number of viable alternatives for adoption and implementation for people of J& K, Union Territory.

Darbar Move Manifestation on Twin Cities

Since urbanization, economic growth and policy decisions are inextricably linked, in the twin cities, shifting of Darbar has pervaded changes at micro level in these cities with itsfall out at macro level initiating radical transformations in the urban economy of the two provinces too. Their inseparabilitycontinued till the time Srinagar and Jammu performed and functioned as seasonal capitals, wielded strong influence and yielded robustbenefits from capital status with resultant agglomeration which now appears to be weakening and vanishing. This process is further stimulated due to information and communication technologies coupled with political expectations and aspirations emerging over the period time. Subtly replacing the enriched face to face interface, interaction, and connect which had endowed strong social and economic bonds among the people of two distinct areas. The interloping of impelled changes, slowly but surely modify and foster the attitudinal and behavioral transformation. The outlook is also changing with heightened political hopes to the extent that it almost is rupturing the suture into an invisible cove, vanning the roots of cohesion that existed among the people of two provinces and twincities. Despiteco-existing as twins, these seemingly move away excruciatingly, portraying coercing up the longs and up ties.
As over the year’s technology has been seen reducing the distance gap between communities and in an attempt to use digital technology to stop the age old practices of yearly Darbar move demonstrably has actually acted as a catalyst for implementation of J&K High Court recommendations and adoption of digital technology.
This technology has infused change and transformed some cities into digital capital like Delhi and Katapadi in Tamil Nadu. However, situation with respect to Srinagar and Jammu has been different, the pertinent question which arises was it necessary to opt for digital capitals with digital competence and digital access in its infancy. Signifies the paramount importance given to save public exchequer from the yearly expenditure on Darbar move and ignore diversity equity inclusion, ethnic bond and connect between the two cities. It still remains to be a cognitive quandary yet to be explored and answered .Since the digital adoption has been ventured and requires to operated efficiently and successfully within the defined digital objectives and arena to attain maximum benefits out of it. However, the digital propagation being in infancy stage in J&K is still marked with vividly blurred differences in online and offline modes and discernibly firm digital inequalities still prevailing impact in its effectiveness. The digital coverage and its implementation needs to be zipped and set up in tackling much more pivotal issues of unemployment, healthcare, better infrastructure and quality urban life. The people of J&K need to acknowledge and try to explore means to uphold the traditional connect and harmony, leaving aside decisions and promulgations of governance with rational mindset to co-exist.

Fall Out on Urban Development

Jammu and Kashmir as whole with implementation of the decision of discontinuing the move should have transformed through commutability and adoption of concept of digital capitals. Till date even after lapse of almost five years’ time, it has not happened making the transition prolonged for implementation of the digital tech options. It is yet to be effectuated, to realize the conceived doles in the greater good of the J&K. The establishment of Union Territory has thrown up opportunities to make J&K a digital entity through connected communities facilitated by combines of broadband communication infrastructure, a flexible service oriented infrastructure open and responsive delivery system based industry and innovative services to meet the needs of governance administration and responsive service delivery to citizens. No doubt for this both the cities would have to rely on effective digital core technology which will power the transformation and attune these to the given and upcoming challenges and also improve their connect around the world for circularity in economies with seamless engagements. It shall also enable speedy communication and government empowering people, decision makers and local authorities to overcome and respond to key demands for improving the quality of life of citizens and ensure progressive advancement in the community with innovative digital capabilities.
Since economic development is often considered a sine qua none to urbanization but it still occurs in the absence of economic momentum in our cities. Among the two cities, Jammu used to be bustling at seam with Darbar move, almost more than lakh of people used to move alongside the seat of capital, most of them now move to other cities. It used to infuse economic momentum in trade, commerce, transport, rented housing and real estate besides developing strong connect between two provinces.

Bottom Line

The cities and towns despite not localizing any significant economic activity are growing, may be at the cost of economies of scale and potentials in its adjacent growth centers. Jammu city may continue to grow in size and population but connect with other parts of J&K is likely to be missed and it will sow seeds of ostracism on economic and social basis and change the urban and political landscape. The momentum thus had picked up, will slowly fade away, may be associated with the unnoticeable urban ills such as declining market for labor, loss of real estate market, public services, homogeneity in suburban and exurban locales. Intermixing of communities in Jammu provided for spillover of knowledge, spatial proximity, coalescence dampening the bearings of religious heterogeneity, minimizes counter argument in support of development to harness benefits of economic development. The fast flourishing city of Jammu with widespread growth of economy, encompassing spaces for social cohesion transformation and political inclusion are bound to diminish. To up keep its ethnic character, Jammu as digital city needs to establish city citizen cloud, adata platform where one can easily access every service that the citizens are in need. Various parts of the cities need to be connected to optimize benefits through efficient use of this technology and in the process turn to be unstoppable happening city. Jammu city over the time has witnessed radical changes on account of being a Capital and Transit city enroute to Kashmir and vice versa. However, with direct rail link to Katra, and Kashmir transit character is in peril and in conjunction with aftermaths of turning it into digital capital, is in danger of losing the growth momentum which can have far-reaching consequences on Jammu city on the one hand and it may use increased hubbub in Srinagar city, make it clamor for which it is not yet prepared. A note caution has to be engrained in mind while framing policy strategies/plans to take care of the intricate emerging urban dynamics forces in both cities.

Email:-------------- hamwani24@gmail.com

Tale of Two Cities- Digital Intrusion and Flagging Momentum

February 19, 2024 | Hammid Ahmad Wani

Present article is neither an extract nor an illustration of the Charles Dickinson’s novel.It is tale of two cities of J&K i.e. Srinagar and Jammu which historically and physically co-existed in separate and diverse provinces with an identical goalmouth in the affairs of the State. However, the episodic journey of two cities had been no less than a very eventful historical melodrama in its own way. A Tale of Two Cities written by Charles Dickens is a boundless historical novel against backdrop of the vehement upheaval of the French Revolution between 1775 and 1792. It is one of the famous and perhaps the most popular of his books. Some of the enduring leitmotifs in the novel “ATale of Two Cities” include self-sacrifice, love, resurrection, imprisonment, injustice, social anarchy, death, and renunciation that fosters renewal. These are enriched motifs which compress an event of immense complexity to the scale of a family history, with a cast of characters that includes a bloodthirsty ogress and an antihero as believably flawed as any in modern fiction. The novel is generally not considered as a romance but do have some indelible romantic aspects to it. The Story of the Srinagar and Jammu cities is in no way less entrancing and riveting considering their contented political conjugality and power confederacy, infusing and assimilating the two diverse and distantly situated cities linguistically, culturally and economically, portrayal of breaking the barriers of distance by permeating a proximity stronger than geographical connect. Seemingly both the cities had created a niche in the socio-economic life, making them epicenter of power bylending apronounced centrality through esoteric realities in the political and urban landscape of J&K.

Historical Context of Shifting Capital

The tale of two cities actually began with Darbar move which started during the time of Maharaja Ranbir Singh in 1872. The practice continued even after 1952 by State Government of Jammu and Kashmir, as it acted as a strong conglomerated adhesion for interaction between the linguistically diverse cultural groups of Jammu and Kashmir.Srinagar generally during winters ,turned out to be geographically challenging, owing to the frequent closure and blockades of National Highways due to landslides as consequence Darbar used to move to Jammu. Similarly scorching summers of Jammu compell edit to move to the salubrity and serenity of Srinagar. As a consequence, every year the capital used to be shifted to Jammu for ensuring uninterrupted and smooth trade, business, governance and administration.In such a perspective twin cities of J&K, Srinagar and Jammu became pivotal centers for concentration infra, economic decisions, amenities and services and dominated the urban scene especially since the year1947. Historical references indicate that the practice of interchanging Darbars or seat of power was prevalent earlier also. During 1325-1350 Mohammad bin Tughlaq kept shuttling his seat of power between Delhi and Daulatabad. During the Sultan period this approach was aptly adopted keeping in view the strategic value and safety, it was attached. An analogous practice was embraced by the Mughals under the rule of Emperor Jahangir who temporarily kept on shifting the capital to Kashmir during the harsh summer months from Indian heartland. The Britishers also used the similar practice of moving capitals to the hills of Shimla in summers and favored to govern from Calcutta during winter.

Transformation as Thriving Growth Centers

Over the period of time these two cities have been growing parallel and analogous to each other, courtesy both had the capital city status with greater urban primacy index in their respective regions. Two cities showed enduring stimulus to growth and development and acted in an extricable manner ascenters of economic momentum, shaping growth and development in whole of J&K. Since Srinagar and Jammu cities have been acting as engines of growth which was a prime reason for accelerated urbanization, dissemination of technological spill over and boosting of economic growth in respective regions. In the process political, economic, physical and social interaction, communication and integration between the two regions and the capitals strengthened serving as an assimilating element, for infusing and stimulating development process. These economic forces and embracing factors were also wedged by externalities of policy interventions to strengthen the two cities as engines of growth. These functioned with a connubial knot and minimized the geographical distances by shifting epicenter of power on seasonal basis, considering the extremities of climate in each region. The shift though a cumbersome process had become an established hymeneal affair and a routine for the governance of the State. With each move, heart and soul used to move to the functional capital imbuing momentum to growth and expansion respectively in twin capital cities. Impactful State policy decisions as externalities were also playing intractably a significant role in shaping the form and growth in these two cities. It is pertinent to keep in mind that these virtually existed and functioned as living entities whose growth and expansion amply determined the trends of urbanization urban policy decisions. Apparently cities seem to function on various facets but intrinsically these act, pursue, and work with host of activities outside the perceptible outlines and streaks. A gamut of activities seemingly unrelated to each other, operate as innately as a viable part of the urban economic eco-system. As such forces operating within each urban system especially in large and capital cities, are very complex and interlinked. Therefore, two cities which are though distance apart outwardly, had a robust connect which was beyond the realms of places of work and living, manifesting a larger urban phenomenon, each intertwined very adroitly making the whole apex urban system very complex, dominating, integrative and responsive to the inevitabilities of the citizens. The changes and interferences from the helm hardly mattered in the given milieu but these obliged the people efficiently over the years, accomplishing the political and governance aspirations. Intervention in any form, may be a policy decision, a development project, or change in legal or legislative framework hardly exhibited any far reaching influence on the function of the cities. Similarly, cities as urban entities responded to the forces of decision, adjusted and shaped to the emerging perspective, though may or may not have augured well to the cognition of citizen and city administration.

Abandoning the Tradition

The J&K high court urged decision-makers to review the 148-year-old practice of shifting Darbar considering the finances incurred by the fiscally starved Union Territory. The Jammu and Kashmir high court delivered the judgement on the continuity of the 148 year Darbar Move tradition in which the capital of the State is repositioned twice a year — from Srinagar to Jammu during winter months and vice versa in the summer season. The bench observed and remarked that there are no reasons impending in terms of administrative efficiency, legal justification or constitutional norms for shifting capital. The High Court urged upon the decision-makers, including the Centre, and directed them to look into the requirements of persistence of 148-year old half yearly Darbar move. Each year the move cost about Rs 200 crore for moving more than 10000 employees with incentives, travel allowances, temporary allowance, and move allowances amounting on an average about Rs 75000 per employee. All this provides an insight into the immensity of expenditures expended by the public exchequer every year. Earlier also a committee was constituted for this purpose which suggested measures to reform this practice of move in vogue. The committee submitted its recommendations and certain measures to substitute this age-old practice, unfortunately could not be implemented as a section expressed that the move has regional bias and as such was shelved. An attempt in this direction was also made when Omar Abdullah was Chief Minister this effort also went in vane as it was perceived with distrust across the State.
Meanwhile, Darbar move tradition was considered redundant soon after the abrogation of Article 370 and reorganization of the State into a Union Territory. This was greatly facilitated by the adoption digital communication and its use for governance and delivery of service even though it was in transitional and formative stages.The decision was also vindicated for reason of improved means of transport including road, rail, and air traffic. The introduction and adoption of digital communication, made the abandoning of Darbar move a hard headed and rational option keeping in view the aspirations of the people of two divisions and the governance needs of the provinces of the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir. The earlier imposed geographical disconnect due rugged topography and terrain might have constrained shifting of seat of power but now physical barriers have become irrelevant in the presence of modern means of transport and digital communication. It also needs to be acknowledge that since the State was reorganized and resized recently as such could be managed and governed through functionally digital capitals or permanently stationed digital capitals instead of moving capital. Government rightly claimed that advancement of technology has transformed the concept of physical distance and has rendered the method of transporting of records along with men and machinery involving enormous expenditures as injudicious and regressive practice. The digitization of all records has already been undertaken to a great extent and has been more less accomplished in Civil Secretariat and some of the office of the Head of the departments in the field, making the practice of transporting records, men and machinery pointless. The Hon’ble High Court in a landmark decision also suggested a number of viable alternatives for adoption and implementation for people of J& K, Union Territory.

Darbar Move Manifestation on Twin Cities

Since urbanization, economic growth and policy decisions are inextricably linked, in the twin cities, shifting of Darbar has pervaded changes at micro level in these cities with itsfall out at macro level initiating radical transformations in the urban economy of the two provinces too. Their inseparabilitycontinued till the time Srinagar and Jammu performed and functioned as seasonal capitals, wielded strong influence and yielded robustbenefits from capital status with resultant agglomeration which now appears to be weakening and vanishing. This process is further stimulated due to information and communication technologies coupled with political expectations and aspirations emerging over the period time. Subtly replacing the enriched face to face interface, interaction, and connect which had endowed strong social and economic bonds among the people of two distinct areas. The interloping of impelled changes, slowly but surely modify and foster the attitudinal and behavioral transformation. The outlook is also changing with heightened political hopes to the extent that it almost is rupturing the suture into an invisible cove, vanning the roots of cohesion that existed among the people of two provinces and twincities. Despiteco-existing as twins, these seemingly move away excruciatingly, portraying coercing up the longs and up ties.
As over the year’s technology has been seen reducing the distance gap between communities and in an attempt to use digital technology to stop the age old practices of yearly Darbar move demonstrably has actually acted as a catalyst for implementation of J&K High Court recommendations and adoption of digital technology.
This technology has infused change and transformed some cities into digital capital like Delhi and Katapadi in Tamil Nadu. However, situation with respect to Srinagar and Jammu has been different, the pertinent question which arises was it necessary to opt for digital capitals with digital competence and digital access in its infancy. Signifies the paramount importance given to save public exchequer from the yearly expenditure on Darbar move and ignore diversity equity inclusion, ethnic bond and connect between the two cities. It still remains to be a cognitive quandary yet to be explored and answered .Since the digital adoption has been ventured and requires to operated efficiently and successfully within the defined digital objectives and arena to attain maximum benefits out of it. However, the digital propagation being in infancy stage in J&K is still marked with vividly blurred differences in online and offline modes and discernibly firm digital inequalities still prevailing impact in its effectiveness. The digital coverage and its implementation needs to be zipped and set up in tackling much more pivotal issues of unemployment, healthcare, better infrastructure and quality urban life. The people of J&K need to acknowledge and try to explore means to uphold the traditional connect and harmony, leaving aside decisions and promulgations of governance with rational mindset to co-exist.

Fall Out on Urban Development

Jammu and Kashmir as whole with implementation of the decision of discontinuing the move should have transformed through commutability and adoption of concept of digital capitals. Till date even after lapse of almost five years’ time, it has not happened making the transition prolonged for implementation of the digital tech options. It is yet to be effectuated, to realize the conceived doles in the greater good of the J&K. The establishment of Union Territory has thrown up opportunities to make J&K a digital entity through connected communities facilitated by combines of broadband communication infrastructure, a flexible service oriented infrastructure open and responsive delivery system based industry and innovative services to meet the needs of governance administration and responsive service delivery to citizens. No doubt for this both the cities would have to rely on effective digital core technology which will power the transformation and attune these to the given and upcoming challenges and also improve their connect around the world for circularity in economies with seamless engagements. It shall also enable speedy communication and government empowering people, decision makers and local authorities to overcome and respond to key demands for improving the quality of life of citizens and ensure progressive advancement in the community with innovative digital capabilities.
Since economic development is often considered a sine qua none to urbanization but it still occurs in the absence of economic momentum in our cities. Among the two cities, Jammu used to be bustling at seam with Darbar move, almost more than lakh of people used to move alongside the seat of capital, most of them now move to other cities. It used to infuse economic momentum in trade, commerce, transport, rented housing and real estate besides developing strong connect between two provinces.

Bottom Line

The cities and towns despite not localizing any significant economic activity are growing, may be at the cost of economies of scale and potentials in its adjacent growth centers. Jammu city may continue to grow in size and population but connect with other parts of J&K is likely to be missed and it will sow seeds of ostracism on economic and social basis and change the urban and political landscape. The momentum thus had picked up, will slowly fade away, may be associated with the unnoticeable urban ills such as declining market for labor, loss of real estate market, public services, homogeneity in suburban and exurban locales. Intermixing of communities in Jammu provided for spillover of knowledge, spatial proximity, coalescence dampening the bearings of religious heterogeneity, minimizes counter argument in support of development to harness benefits of economic development. The fast flourishing city of Jammu with widespread growth of economy, encompassing spaces for social cohesion transformation and political inclusion are bound to diminish. To up keep its ethnic character, Jammu as digital city needs to establish city citizen cloud, adata platform where one can easily access every service that the citizens are in need. Various parts of the cities need to be connected to optimize benefits through efficient use of this technology and in the process turn to be unstoppable happening city. Jammu city over the time has witnessed radical changes on account of being a Capital and Transit city enroute to Kashmir and vice versa. However, with direct rail link to Katra, and Kashmir transit character is in peril and in conjunction with aftermaths of turning it into digital capital, is in danger of losing the growth momentum which can have far-reaching consequences on Jammu city on the one hand and it may use increased hubbub in Srinagar city, make it clamor for which it is not yet prepared. A note caution has to be engrained in mind while framing policy strategies/plans to take care of the intricate emerging urban dynamics forces in both cities.

Email:-------------- hamwani24@gmail.com

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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
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