03-26-2025     3 رجب 1440

“Taleem se taraqqi”: army distributes computers at Mazhar-ul-Haq secondary school, Beerwah

December 03, 2019 | BK NEWS DESK/SRINAGAR

In continuation with its efforts to help the locals constructively, Aripanthan Army Camp distributed two computers along with computer desks & chairs and 16 benches to MAZHAR -UL- HAQ Secondary School, Beerwah. The students and teachers were thrilled to receive the Information Technology equipment as these will not only help them digitize their learning but will also empower them better understand and assimilate future technologies and broaden their horizon.
Syed Abdul Latif (Mirwaiz, Central Kashmir) and the school principal personally thanked the Army for providing the computers which will help them teach computer education to the students. Syed Abdul Latif also said that such initiatives by the Army go a long way in further strengthening the bond between Awam and Army and will also help the students in charting a bright future for themselves.





“Taleem se taraqqi”: army distributes computers at Mazhar-ul-Haq secondary school, Beerwah

December 03, 2019 | BK NEWS DESK/SRINAGAR

In continuation with its efforts to help the locals constructively, Aripanthan Army Camp distributed two computers along with computer desks & chairs and 16 benches to MAZHAR -UL- HAQ Secondary School, Beerwah. The students and teachers were thrilled to receive the Information Technology equipment as these will not only help them digitize their learning but will also empower them better understand and assimilate future technologies and broaden their horizon.
Syed Abdul Latif (Mirwaiz, Central Kashmir) and the school principal personally thanked the Army for providing the computers which will help them teach computer education to the students. Syed Abdul Latif also said that such initiatives by the Army go a long way in further strengthening the bond between Awam and Army and will also help the students in charting a bright future for themselves.

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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
Legal Advisor: M.J. Hubi
Printed at: Abid Enterprizes, Zainkote Srinagar
Published from: Gulshanabad Chraresharief Budgam
RNI No.: JKENG/2010/33802
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Postal Regd No: SK/135/2010-2019
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