09-09-2024     3 رجب 1440

Two prototypes developed by local innovators under MSME incubation scheme inaugurated at NIT Srinagar

November 01, 2022 | BK News Service

Two prototypes developed by local innovators including Saffron Processing Machine and Seed Sowing Machine were inaugurated on Tuesday by eminent dignitaries at National Institution of Technology (NIT).

The event was presided over by the Chief Guest, Director, Industries and Commerce, Kashmir, Ms. Saloni Rai, IAS,  Vice Chancellor SKUAST-K, Prof. Nazir Ahmad Ganie was Guest of Honor, Director NIT Srinagar, Prof. (Dr) Rakesh Sehgal, Assistant Director MSME GOI, Saheel Alaqband and noted industrialist Shakeel Qalander, Abdul Hamed from Rahim motors among others were special guests on the occasion.

NIT Srinagar is the host institute (HI) and an implementing agency (IA) for Incubation and Design schemes of MoMSME, wherein we are in the process of creating value for ideas through incubation and design intervention for MSMEs.

In her keynote address, Director I&C Kashmir, Saloni Rai said there is a need to bridge the gap between Industry, academia, and society.

 “I congratulate both innovators who have developed these machines and going ahead, I see this platform as a very good platform for enhancing further integration between the students of NIT Srinagar and society,” she said.

Ms. Rai also appreciated the initiative of the MSME department for linking with the students of NIT Srinagar for problem-solving and technology development.

“When we used to study, we felt that there is a lot of academia-industry gap because of what we study and need of the market. There is a lot of gap in between that, so these initiatives are really helpful in bridging that gap,” she said.

Ms. Rai said both prototypes would help in increasing productivity and add a certain kind of value to the efforts of the farmers.

VC SKUAST-K, Prof. Ganie congratulated the two prototype innovators for development. He highlighted the wave of entrepreneurship going on in our country and making it a knowledge economy through innovations.

While appreciating both the innovators, Prof. Ganie said there is a need for such innovations and they can be game changers in the future.

He said the knowledge economy is fueled by, innovation, research, and rapid technological advancement. It has placed the IT, and ICT industries at the forefront of overall economic growth, Prof. Ganie added.

On the occasion, Director NIT Prof. Rakesh Sehgal congratulated Dr. Saad Parvaiz and his entire team for taking lead in innovations and entrepreneurship in the institute.

“He is a very passionate worker and has sacrificed his career for the larger interest of the people and community,” Director said.

Prof. Sehgal said the basic mandate of NITs is to produce good professionals and create knowledge so that it can be used for future growth.

“Our aim should be to produce relevant technologies that can ease the lives of the common man in the society, whether it can be farmers, growers, and people associated with industries,” he said.


Prof. Sehgal said over the past 5 years, NIT Srinagar has improved in all sectors including visibility at national and international levels and NIRF rankings were also improved,

“We continue to excel on other diameters as well. Around 52 PhDs and 200 research papers are being produced each year and have started Post. Doc program also. We have filed 28 patents and 9 have been granted so far this year,” he said.

Prof. Sehgal said under UBA, NIT Srinagar has adopted 35 institutions across Kashmir and each institution has adopted five more villages. We are working at the ground level, he added.

In his message, Institute's Registrar, Prof. Syed Kaiser Bukhari said they are committed to serving society through technology and easing the living of common people.

Prof. Bukhari said the end-use of education is to give back to society in the form of solutions to various problems.  Research and innovation are critical for generating new knowledge, building new infrastructure, and educating innovators and entrepreneurs, he said.

On the occasion, Assistant Director MSME GOI, Saheel Alaqband talked about the importance of the prototype for industry and agriculture.

He congratulated both the innovators and stated that there is a need to explore more areas, so that gap between industry and community can be filled.

“Recently I met the Minister of MSME in Saffron Park. All the machines were available but this particular Saffron Processing Machine was not there. When I discussed this innovation, they were very happy and stated that it can boost the saffron industry in the region,” he said.

Mr. Alaqband said if this machine will prove successful after trials, it can be the game changer and replace the entire manual process of processing in Valley.

Both the innovators, Mr. Tariq Ahmad and Mr. Naik Qayoom were felicitated by the Director NIT Srinagar, Prof. Sehgal, Ms. Saloni Rai, Director I&C Kashmir, and Head IIDC Dr. Saad Parvez.

Dr. Saad Parvez, Head Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IIEDC) talked about the growing startup culture and how IIEDC is playing its role in helping to grow that culture in NIT Srinagar as well as in Valley.

“This event was the culmination of the first phase of incubation in which two ideas of local innovators have been developed. The working prototypes include Saffron Processing Machine and Seed sowing machine) which have been successfully developed at NIT Srinagar, with the support of branch MSME Development and facilitation office Srinagar,” he said.

Dr. Saad also presented a brief outline about the two machines. IIEDC is becoming a bridge between budding entrepreneurs and the government schemes that would help them in all possible ways, he said.

“Over the past several years, IIED Center has been at the forefront in terms of innovations.  From small ideas to making innovative products such as ventilators, during Covid19, walnut DeHulling machines etc there is no end to innovations,” he said.

 It was followed by a small presentation by Dr. Dinesh Kumar Rajendran, Project Coordinator, IIEDC regarding the design expertise scheme for promoting design ideas of unit holders linked with the scheme.

The event was attended by various personalities including Prof. Babar Ahmad, Dr Shahid Saleem, Dr Noor Zaman, Dr. Parvez Ahmad Reshi, Dr Dinesh Kumar,  Dr Sandeep Rathee, Abdul Hamid (Rahim Greens), and innovators from NIT Srinagar and MSME.



NIT Srinagar celebrates 'National Unity Day'

Srinagar, Nov 01: To mark the 147th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, National Unity Day was celebrated at National Institute of Technology (NIT) Srinagar, in which various events were organized in which students, administrative staff, teaching, and non-faculty staff participated actively.

The function was presided over by Director NIT Srinagar, Prof. Rakesh Sehgal, and the program was attended by all heads of all departments and faculty members, and students.

On the occasion, Prof. Rakesh Sehgal paid rich tributes to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who was instrumental in keeping India united.

He also read the ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’ pledge in front of a large gathering consisting of faculty, students, and staff members of the Institute.

The pledge ceremony was attended by administrative staff, teaching and non-teaching faculty, and students of the institution.

Prof. Sehgal stressed the importance of unity in a country with so much diversity in culture, language, and belief,

“We should take a pledge on this day to strive to protect our country and have to dedicate our services and life for the progress of the nation,” he said.

On the occasion, a digital exhibition was organized on the biography of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, which was presented by Dr. Jigneshkumar V. Rohit.

The presentation was later uploaded to Institute’s website to make students aware about Iron man’s man contribution and his vision of maintaining the nation’s unity.

It was followed by the ' Run for Unity' organized by the Department of Physical Education NIT Srinagar.

In his message, Institute’s Registrar, Prof. Syed Kaiser Bukhari said the uniqueness of India’s great story is that this nation is achieving respect from the world by taking a democratic path.

"Sardar Patel realised the dream of a strong and united India with his farsightedness, despite attempts by some forces to keep the country divided," Prof. Bukhari said.

He said over the past seven decades, India has emerged as a powerful country in the world and will continue to strive hard.

On the occasion, students from both boys and girls categories participated in Run for Unity event.

The first position among the boys was bagged by Owais Ahmad, (2019BCSE031), 2nd by Harsh Jindal, (BMEC081) and 3rd by Sachin (2020BECE024).

Similarly, first position among the girls was bagged by Saswati Priyadarshini (2021MSCHM013), 2nd by Varsha Chauhan (2021 MSCHM010) and 3rd by Sonam Deep Kour (2019BECE018).

Later winners were facilitated by the Director NIT Srinagar Prof. Sehgal and other dignitaries.

The arrangements for ‘Run of Unity’ were organized by the  Department of Physical Education NIT Srinagar.





Two prototypes developed by local innovators under MSME incubation scheme inaugurated at NIT Srinagar

November 01, 2022 | BK News Service

Two prototypes developed by local innovators including Saffron Processing Machine and Seed Sowing Machine were inaugurated on Tuesday by eminent dignitaries at National Institution of Technology (NIT).

The event was presided over by the Chief Guest, Director, Industries and Commerce, Kashmir, Ms. Saloni Rai, IAS,  Vice Chancellor SKUAST-K, Prof. Nazir Ahmad Ganie was Guest of Honor, Director NIT Srinagar, Prof. (Dr) Rakesh Sehgal, Assistant Director MSME GOI, Saheel Alaqband and noted industrialist Shakeel Qalander, Abdul Hamed from Rahim motors among others were special guests on the occasion.

NIT Srinagar is the host institute (HI) and an implementing agency (IA) for Incubation and Design schemes of MoMSME, wherein we are in the process of creating value for ideas through incubation and design intervention for MSMEs.

In her keynote address, Director I&C Kashmir, Saloni Rai said there is a need to bridge the gap between Industry, academia, and society.

 “I congratulate both innovators who have developed these machines and going ahead, I see this platform as a very good platform for enhancing further integration between the students of NIT Srinagar and society,” she said.

Ms. Rai also appreciated the initiative of the MSME department for linking with the students of NIT Srinagar for problem-solving and technology development.

“When we used to study, we felt that there is a lot of academia-industry gap because of what we study and need of the market. There is a lot of gap in between that, so these initiatives are really helpful in bridging that gap,” she said.

Ms. Rai said both prototypes would help in increasing productivity and add a certain kind of value to the efforts of the farmers.

VC SKUAST-K, Prof. Ganie congratulated the two prototype innovators for development. He highlighted the wave of entrepreneurship going on in our country and making it a knowledge economy through innovations.

While appreciating both the innovators, Prof. Ganie said there is a need for such innovations and they can be game changers in the future.

He said the knowledge economy is fueled by, innovation, research, and rapid technological advancement. It has placed the IT, and ICT industries at the forefront of overall economic growth, Prof. Ganie added.

On the occasion, Director NIT Prof. Rakesh Sehgal congratulated Dr. Saad Parvaiz and his entire team for taking lead in innovations and entrepreneurship in the institute.

“He is a very passionate worker and has sacrificed his career for the larger interest of the people and community,” Director said.

Prof. Sehgal said the basic mandate of NITs is to produce good professionals and create knowledge so that it can be used for future growth.

“Our aim should be to produce relevant technologies that can ease the lives of the common man in the society, whether it can be farmers, growers, and people associated with industries,” he said.


Prof. Sehgal said over the past 5 years, NIT Srinagar has improved in all sectors including visibility at national and international levels and NIRF rankings were also improved,

“We continue to excel on other diameters as well. Around 52 PhDs and 200 research papers are being produced each year and have started Post. Doc program also. We have filed 28 patents and 9 have been granted so far this year,” he said.

Prof. Sehgal said under UBA, NIT Srinagar has adopted 35 institutions across Kashmir and each institution has adopted five more villages. We are working at the ground level, he added.

In his message, Institute's Registrar, Prof. Syed Kaiser Bukhari said they are committed to serving society through technology and easing the living of common people.

Prof. Bukhari said the end-use of education is to give back to society in the form of solutions to various problems.  Research and innovation are critical for generating new knowledge, building new infrastructure, and educating innovators and entrepreneurs, he said.

On the occasion, Assistant Director MSME GOI, Saheel Alaqband talked about the importance of the prototype for industry and agriculture.

He congratulated both the innovators and stated that there is a need to explore more areas, so that gap between industry and community can be filled.

“Recently I met the Minister of MSME in Saffron Park. All the machines were available but this particular Saffron Processing Machine was not there. When I discussed this innovation, they were very happy and stated that it can boost the saffron industry in the region,” he said.

Mr. Alaqband said if this machine will prove successful after trials, it can be the game changer and replace the entire manual process of processing in Valley.

Both the innovators, Mr. Tariq Ahmad and Mr. Naik Qayoom were felicitated by the Director NIT Srinagar, Prof. Sehgal, Ms. Saloni Rai, Director I&C Kashmir, and Head IIDC Dr. Saad Parvez.

Dr. Saad Parvez, Head Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IIEDC) talked about the growing startup culture and how IIEDC is playing its role in helping to grow that culture in NIT Srinagar as well as in Valley.

“This event was the culmination of the first phase of incubation in which two ideas of local innovators have been developed. The working prototypes include Saffron Processing Machine and Seed sowing machine) which have been successfully developed at NIT Srinagar, with the support of branch MSME Development and facilitation office Srinagar,” he said.

Dr. Saad also presented a brief outline about the two machines. IIEDC is becoming a bridge between budding entrepreneurs and the government schemes that would help them in all possible ways, he said.

“Over the past several years, IIED Center has been at the forefront in terms of innovations.  From small ideas to making innovative products such as ventilators, during Covid19, walnut DeHulling machines etc there is no end to innovations,” he said.

 It was followed by a small presentation by Dr. Dinesh Kumar Rajendran, Project Coordinator, IIEDC regarding the design expertise scheme for promoting design ideas of unit holders linked with the scheme.

The event was attended by various personalities including Prof. Babar Ahmad, Dr Shahid Saleem, Dr Noor Zaman, Dr. Parvez Ahmad Reshi, Dr Dinesh Kumar,  Dr Sandeep Rathee, Abdul Hamid (Rahim Greens), and innovators from NIT Srinagar and MSME.



NIT Srinagar celebrates 'National Unity Day'

Srinagar, Nov 01: To mark the 147th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, National Unity Day was celebrated at National Institute of Technology (NIT) Srinagar, in which various events were organized in which students, administrative staff, teaching, and non-faculty staff participated actively.

The function was presided over by Director NIT Srinagar, Prof. Rakesh Sehgal, and the program was attended by all heads of all departments and faculty members, and students.

On the occasion, Prof. Rakesh Sehgal paid rich tributes to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who was instrumental in keeping India united.

He also read the ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’ pledge in front of a large gathering consisting of faculty, students, and staff members of the Institute.

The pledge ceremony was attended by administrative staff, teaching and non-teaching faculty, and students of the institution.

Prof. Sehgal stressed the importance of unity in a country with so much diversity in culture, language, and belief,

“We should take a pledge on this day to strive to protect our country and have to dedicate our services and life for the progress of the nation,” he said.

On the occasion, a digital exhibition was organized on the biography of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, which was presented by Dr. Jigneshkumar V. Rohit.

The presentation was later uploaded to Institute’s website to make students aware about Iron man’s man contribution and his vision of maintaining the nation’s unity.

It was followed by the ' Run for Unity' organized by the Department of Physical Education NIT Srinagar.

In his message, Institute’s Registrar, Prof. Syed Kaiser Bukhari said the uniqueness of India’s great story is that this nation is achieving respect from the world by taking a democratic path.

"Sardar Patel realised the dream of a strong and united India with his farsightedness, despite attempts by some forces to keep the country divided," Prof. Bukhari said.

He said over the past seven decades, India has emerged as a powerful country in the world and will continue to strive hard.

On the occasion, students from both boys and girls categories participated in Run for Unity event.

The first position among the boys was bagged by Owais Ahmad, (2019BCSE031), 2nd by Harsh Jindal, (BMEC081) and 3rd by Sachin (2020BECE024).

Similarly, first position among the girls was bagged by Saswati Priyadarshini (2021MSCHM013), 2nd by Varsha Chauhan (2021 MSCHM010) and 3rd by Sonam Deep Kour (2019BECE018).

Later winners were facilitated by the Director NIT Srinagar Prof. Sehgal and other dignitaries.

The arrangements for ‘Run of Unity’ were organized by the  Department of Physical Education NIT Srinagar.

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Owner, Printer, Publisher, Editor: Farooq Ahmad Wani
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